By: SoapyMayhem
Most of you know my complete and utter lust for a Darkward. Give me tortured, even irredeemable, but with a dark charm, and I’m a deep puddle of goo. So when I saw the title of this fic, I mean Edward as a serial killer? Yeah, jumped right in the pool, clothes on.
Soapy has a warning up front, which I’ll give you here: This story is going to be very violent, and in a later chapter will have a non-sensational depiction of rape. Rated M for a reason.
So as my favorite Torontoan sometimes says (that would be Alexis Danaan), if that ain’t your cuppa, you might want to skip this one.
Summary: Edward is a hematologist by day and a serial killer by night. Sensing his dark tendencies at an early age, Carlisle molds Edward into a weapon for justice. Bella, a recovering alcoholic, wants to get to know the real Edward. Dexter plot crossover HEA
Now, I’m not a Dexter-watcher, and I don’t think you need to be for this fic, although you make pick up tid-bits a non-viewer wouldn’t. It’s a slow build, but I’m ALL FOR good character and story development when we’re talking about a subject as rich and dark as this. What really intrigued me were the first few paragraphs of the Prologue. It’s not often a Prologue does it for me, or grabs me the way this one did. A snippet:
Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge; other times it helps me control the chaos. In those times it had always filled a void, and though only temporary, it was filled nonetheless.
Tonight I'm stalking Felix Hart- not my usual victim but definitely a monster, a child rapist.
This type of monster, while vile, is not included in The Code, and is therefore deemed to be punished by law. However, as of late, I've developed a slight weakness for hunting child predators. They are my only exception to The Code.
Rule number one is 'no innocent victims'. I know the rule is meant to only include murderers, but lately I've been interpreting it a bit loosely to include types like Felix. There are several reasons that have led me to loosen my criteria, but the most logical one was a recent study I'd read on the percentage of molested children that turn to crime and in particular- murder. I wanted to prevent that from happening. My kills had to serve a purpose, or they were just plain murder.
Though, monster I myself may be, I would never harm a child. In fact, I find myself to be quite protective and intrigued when I meet other people's children, most likely because of their purity and innocence. If I, a monster of the most horrific type, am thoroughly disgusted by the idea of harming a child, it would prove likely that most 'normal' people wouldn't be opposed to my planned disposal of Felix, and others like him. It was likely that, were I to have approached his victim's parents, I'd even be paid for my services. Money, however, had nothing to do with why I would be killing Felix this evening.
A serial killer…with a conscience? A vigilante? Oh yeeeeaaaah.
Edward also seems to have an intimacy issue, *pipe down all you Jasperites*, looking for the “quiet, shy, and emotionally damaged* and unable to…fully deliver in the bedroom being emotionally detached himself. Carlisle is part of his pressures, suggesting he should find a wife if only to have a really good cover story.
Enter Bella, a recovering alcoholic with a passion, or an obsession, for painting. Painting what, you ask?
Depictions of gruesome murders.
*alarm bells go off*
Yeah, our poor little Bella seems to have a past of her own, although it’s slowly being revealed still. Haunted by gruesome nightmares, she paints what she’s sees in them. She meets Alice at an AA meeting, where Alice asks to be her sponsor. It just so happens Alice has two single brothers, one a cop named Emmett, and one a doctor named Edward, and promptly, in only Alice fashion, invites Bella over to have dinner with the family.
Dun duh duh.
"This is Bella, Eddie," Emmett said, ignoring my not so subtle hint to stop using the juvenile nickname. I hid the scowl that threatened to erupt on my face, and turned to see Bella.
I regarded her but she didn't meet my glance, she was looking down at her lap. I followed her gaze to see her hands balled into fists in her lap and then back up to her face to see her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. She was too shy to look at me. Jackpot.
"Hello, Bella, it's a pleasure," I said making my voice as smooth as honey, wanting her to feel it flow over her like silk. I held out my hand for her to take it, but her fists only tightened turning her knuckles white.
"Hello, Edward," she whispered, "it's nice to meet you too."
I was about to attempt making small talk with her when she finally looked up at me and met my glance. My words caught in my throat and a bit of a wheezing sound came out. I then began to cough a bit. She looked at me with reddened cheeks and eyes that were filled with concern. Her eyes - they were dark, deep and sad. They made my chest clench for a brief second, which is what caused my little fit.
"Will you excuse me for a moment," I half choked, half spoke.
I haven’t given you nearly half of what you will learn about these characters in the first six chapters of this fic, mostly because part of it’s charm is discovering all of the intricacies, all of the idiosyncrasies of them, who not only include Edward and Bella, but the usual cast of characters as well. You get both BellaPOV and EdwardPOV, which is also something I like, especially in a fic like this, because I love the dark journey of what’s going inside their heads as well.
Now Soapy has only posted up to Chapter 6 of this fic, but she tells me by email that I will have a teaser of Chapter 7 shortly for reccing her. Yay me! But I’m SURE she will be posting as quickly as she can for all of you. *snickers* So go read, leave her beaucoup amounts of dark love, and be sure to let her know DT sent ya.
Till next time, may your Darkest Temptations be served.

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