So, we tried to keep this post a secret but that's hard to do around here! And, it figures tomorrow is your day to post, so we figured, we better post now...
Izzy? What should I say? Well, first, I wish you nothing but the best today and always. May all your birthday dreams come true!
You're such an amazingly talented author and I've enjoyed watching you grow as a writer over this past year and a half. You always manage to delve deep into your characters minds and bring forth the most creative and unique stories. You are by far, my most favorite dark author! You give me chills! (In a good way!)
You've been with me from the beginning of my FF journey and have helped me more than you'll ever realize. You kick my ass in gear when I want to give up, you're always there waving your pom pom's and cheering me on from the sidelines and God knows why, but you pull me along with you in every crazy endeavor you think up. Between you and me, you don't have to drag me anywhere...I'd go willingly. I just can't believe you trust me with all this stuff! Oh, and let's not forget all the naughty words you've taught me and the crazy people you've introduced me to! It's safe to say Cullen818 definitely needed you in her life, but Stephanie needed you more!
Oh, and it isn't ready yet because it's also my autism submission, but there might be a darksper fic in the works dedicated to you! **winks** Hopefully that'll make up for all the creative banners I couldn't make and the porn I didn't post. lol
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Izzy... *runs and tackles you*
*sings* It's your birthday and its gonna be a great day... you are
so beautiful in everyway... A friend to the end and a heart that always cares... It's your birthday and we all love you....
*giggles and gets off of you*
Now for my friend I want to say this. With out your continued support and friendship, I'd be lost. You helped me as a person and a fanfic
writer expand and move into the dark-side.
You are a true inspiration and I am, as always grateful for your friendship, your kindness and your utter determination to make everyone around you is one of the many many many reasons I adore you.
You're a great person and I am truly honored to have you as a friend, mentor and all around dark hoor.
*blows kisses*
Love Kitten
So like, a few weeks ago, I found out it was gonna be my IZZINATOR’S birthday - my humps-me-hard, whip-my-ass boss and friend. So I says to myself, “Self? What the fuck do I get the girl who has just about everything?” She already HAS a passel of blogs with minions ready to lick, suck, or hump her ass any time of the day, a downright awesome fanfic posting site, a hugely fuckable foul-mouth which she apparently doesn’t like to share with her husband’s…er, nevermind, two beautiful little boys, and an employee like moi?
I mean, really?
I thought long and HARD. I mean REALLY HARD.
Jizzper was…too easy. As usual.
The above provided by the ever-sexy, MistressGemGem.
Then, well, Edward would be a waste, but sparkly peen is good for any occasion:

Then, there was this fantabulous suggestion, sent to me by @HammerHips:
(Did you see to the bottom left there, it says "Necronomicox"? *dies again*)
I IMMEDIATELY ran to the site to purchase said Zombie Dildo *points above*, but when I finally got to the site?
While I love you Izster, I no gots $300.
Soooooooooooooooo, I decided on the next best thing to all of the above.
Hop my sexy ass on an American flight for a few pesos, and head on down yonder to
(Frequent flyer miles are a wonderful thing.)
Southern hospitality and all, you and I will be getting our drink on, blended, shaken or stirred, no matter.
You know I love you just about as much as I love sparkly peen. They’re like a hairsbreath away from each other. I plan on us both squeeing right there at the pick-up gate like two old women who just saw their own pussys again for the first time in years, our asses being hauled away like some federal security risk. I’ll bring the bail money, you just make sure JR’s on call.
See you Friday, my fav BEEEYATCH! Next to me, of course. *smiles wide*
Hey there, sweetie. *sighs, tapping my temple* What can I say? *grins* You're awesome...a fantastic friend, mistress *sniggers* and author. You've given me an outlet and soapbox for my opinions and dark side, and happily carried on my corruption *polishes tarnished halo*
You've written some of my most loved fics, had me laughing and crying and cursing at the screen...but I've loved every second of it. You've got me laughing on twitter, been there when I've needed you and all in all been a wonderful addition to my life. *wipes a tear from my eye* Look at me getting all sappy!
*coughs* Sorry, got a little over excited there.
*looks at the picture* Not that I've been having the urge to do that or anything. *shifty eyes*
Anyways...I thought I'd add a couple more pics into this for your viewing pleasure...and mostly because, well, you'll see. *drools*
and lastly...
*Dies of the need to lick*
So, I hope you have a wonderful birthday...make sure to get rat arsed, lick computer screens full of hot ass sexy men and go out and terrorise the neighbourhood...just because you can *grins*
Hugs, humps, spanks and thanks, bb!!!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Grumbles and wipes tears) You didn't see that.
ReplyDeleteI'm... no fucking words. No words. You sneaky bitches you. I was not expecting this today. I didn't expect this blatant display of pure fuckery either! LMAO!
You girls are the world to me. I have never in my life been a part of something that meant so much to my black little heart like this blog and you minions. This just proves how fate/karma/wtf-ever brought us all together. You all are my sisters and I am just beyond the scope of speaking properly right now. lol
OK, enough of this sappy shit. (wipes eyes again) I flove you girls. Thank you so much for making this an awesome birthday prelude. This has been one of the shittiest, most fucked up days ever, and you all wiped it away with your love and laughs. I needed this. Thank you girls for the porn and funnies. I loved every one of them.
Your dark mistress,
Happy Birthday, Izzy!!! Thanks for all of the Darksper and zombies!! You totally rock and I hope this year is the best one yet!!
ReplyDeleteCharli ox
Happy B-Day Izzy. ope you have a great one.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Izzy! Hope it was a good one. ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday, =) hope it was a good one.