This week's rec is by my fellow Darlin' Clurrabella. I really enjoyed this story as well and want to think her for the sending this over to us. Please check the story out after you read her review. Enjoy...
By Dalia907
Summary: The path to undying love. It was only a few inches. It was also a million miles. O/S entry in the Jasper's Darlin's "Love Bites" Valentine's Day contest. Human? Vamp? Jasper x ? Fill in your own blank.
Inches and Miles was submitted to the Jasper's Darlin's Anon 'Love Bites' Contest recently winning, in a three way tie, the Voters Poll. It is an exceptionally well written one shot and I urge you to go and read it today! If you aren't familiar with any of Dalia907's other work, I highly suggest doing so, she's an excellent author and I love her signature depth to her writing.
Inches and Miles was written entirely in Jasper's point of view and encapsulates a moment between two lovers. Although it was written for a Valentines day themed contest, it could be set at any time of the year so don't let that put you off. The whole one shot describes one single scene, in depth, between the two lovers. It is extremely passionate and steamy, Jasper's emotions almost verging in to desperation as they wrap themselves and their emotions around one other.
The entire tone within Inches and Miles is wonderfully written and the very reason I chose this as my Darksper recommendation. I like that Jasper's actions and subsequently the sucker blow series of events at the end of the one shot remain almost entirely subtle. There is a dark shadow cast over the tone, as the reader is privy to very little information – we don't know the characters histories, or truly who they are, just how Jasper feels in this one significant moment and the air of mystery teamed with the angst kills me in the most beautiful way to read.
The overall tone of Inches and Miles gives way to a darker and more desperate Jasper. The events between the two characters change direction and new information comes to light. In true testament to Dalia907's writing style, despite the fact we don't even who the female character is or what she means to Jasper, we feel every crushing and subsequently damning emotion that runs though Jasper's mind and we feel his heart beak right along with him. Simply perfection.
Inches and Miles is incredibly heart felt and bitter-sweet ~ the overall tone is full of angst and suspense, leaving you wondering what is truly going on right up until the very last line, which of course delivers the sucker blow. I would love to see this one shot continued as I think it left on an amazing cliffhanger in it's own right, but could give purchase to a great Darksper multi-chapter as we explore some of the history and relationships we aren't ye privy to and of course, I would love to explore her Jasper more, he has such amazing depth and potential to be truly devastating and dark.
Love Clurrabella
Inches and Miles is incredibly heart felt and bitter-sweet ~ the overall tone is full of angst and suspense, leaving you wondering what is truly going on right up until the very last line, which of course delivers the sucker blow. I would love to see this one shot continued as I think it left on an amazing cliffhanger in it's own right, but could give purchase to a great Darksper multi-chapter as we explore some of the history and relationships we aren't ye privy to and of course, I would love to explore her Jasper more, he has such amazing depth and potential to be truly devastating and dark.
Love Clurrabella
WOW...thanks so much for rec'ing my little o/s! It was born out of my indecisive nature, so after it spilled out onto the paper, I just went with it. I did have specific characters and a a sort of back story in mind, so if you're curious please feel free to ask. I might turn this into a full fic once I finish with some others if there's some interest. I'm still bouncing in my seat from this rec... *fangirl squee* ... thank you!!!