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Monday, March 1

2nd Annual Everything's Bigger In Texas

Introducing the 2nd Annual “Everything’s Bigger In Texas” Jasper Fanfiction Contest!

The first time we did this award contest, we were just a wee little C2 roaming around on www.fanfiction.net. As you can see, since then we’ve grown exponentially. There a few differences this time around...
The first thing you’ll notice is the sheer size of this contest.  

It’s BIG! 

We’re exploring as mnay types of fics with all sorts of Jaspercentric categories. We urge you to participate and nomminate for as many catagories as possible! However, you don't have to nominate each category.

The second thing is this is a yearly contest, and with that we’ll be keeping an eye on the publication dates of fics, so make sure you check the stories you nominated are published AFTER the 1st March 2009. We want to let new stories have an opportunity to be nominated each year. But don’t worry you won't get your say -- we’ve got a category just for your favorite classics which is open from the time Fan Fiction began!
Here are the rules: 

All Fics nominated, apart from the 'Classics Category', must be FIRST PUBLISHED AFTER March 1st 2009. The publication date is listed on the right hand corner of the screen on Fanfiction.net, and on the bottom on Twilighted.net, so please, please check; we will be! Nominations are open from March 1st 2010 to March 22nd 2010, Midnight EST. To nominate, please use the handly little form that we've linked below -- it's amazing. 

Click here to nominate your favourite Jasper fics!

Voting will Open March 22nd and go through April 12th at Midnight EST. [Voting link to be announced closer to the time] 

Winners announced April 19th.

Nomination Catagories:
All nominations must be published after 3-1-09 unless otherwise stated. 

Best AH Jasper

Best Vamp Jasper

Best Pre-Twilight Fic

Best Original Storyline 

Best WTF moment

Best AU Jasper-Fic

Best Overall Jasper Fic (This one's for all the marbles)

Most Creative Way to Get Rid of Alice or Edward in a Fic 

Best Sex that Never Was (Unresolved sexual tension scene. Please include the chapter in which the scene takes place.)

Darkest Fic

Most Underappreciated Fic (Under 1000 reviews only. Must be complete.)

Smut Free Zone (For T-rated fics and below.)

Best Cracksper (From a Crackfic.)

Best Use of Jasper’s Scars in a Fic

Best Classic (For stories that have a publish date prior to March 1st, 2009.)

Best Southern Charm Fic

Jasper’s 180 (A Fic where Jasper is super good/Bad at the beginning, and then totally flips his personality by the end)

Professor Jasper Gives an A (or O?) (Best teacher/professor fic )

Those Glasses are HAWT (Best Geeksper)

Smack That Ass (Best Buttsecks in a Slash Fic)

Best Overall Slash

I Dream of Bella (For fics where you wish you were Bella because you want that Jasper all for yourself.)

This Fic is Going Places…(WIP, under 10 chapters but you know will be good) 

The overall winner will win 
two tickets to see Eclipse in the city of your choice. You provide the date, we provide the tickets.

The Category winners will recieve a banner, an opportunity to join the Darlins on a Friday Fic Rec, and of course, they will go down in the Darlins Everything Is Bigger In Texas history!

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