Our sister blog, The Jasper's Naughty Girls, are holding another contest. Aside form the fact that this banner is all kinds of HAWT.... It looks like this contest is going to be mighty spicy and whole fuckton of naughty.
Here's a few details of what they are looking for...
We want you to write us a wicked o/s featuring any of the Twilight men (vamps, wolves, Volturi). They have to be dominant and know exactly what they want out of their relationships. They can be human! It doesn't necessarily have to be a traditional BDSM fic, but your central male character should have dominant tendencies.
We don't care who, just as long they are dominant We're all about the naughty boys! Darkward, Darksper, Darkisle, Darkmett... We're just trying to broaden the Fandom with these hot, take charge men.
For the rest of the details, just click the banner above to run over to their blog and check it out. Hope you all decide to enter. Looks like this contest is going to be the shizzle...
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