For your viewing pleasure... MommyAmyBee, Frog Queen Laurel and myself, Jaspers Sex Kitten are teaming up to write a Dark Dommett. That is right... so what happens when you take the three biggest Team Emmett HoOrs in the Fandom and stack them together... ONE massive fucking story.
I have to give the credit of this idea to Amy. She came to me and Laurel with the idea of this story. We talked it out and decided what we as a group would like to see happen. So essentially this fic, (yet to be named but it is started)will be our baby. We are going to coddle it and pamper this bitch until we all die of the hotness of the one and only EMMETT FUCKING McCARTY!
We all know we love Emmett and you all know we love Emmett so why not Unite and make everyone a hell of a lot happier. This is going to be a major undertaking on our parts. I love the Dark, Sexy, and Dominating side of Emmett, as do Amy and Laurel. And you know when I write Emmett he is always in control so a Dark Dominant Emmett we shall have.
Since we have united for the greater good we have a group pin name... *grins* Y'all know I am sucker to group me and my co-writer together in a way so we all are covered... so from this moment on Amy, Laurel and I will be know as:
Team Emmett HoOrs United on FFn
If you have any questions you can email us at
Many of you may have us saved for alerts but since we are grouped together make sure to add Team Emmett to your Author Alerts on FFn.
Amy, Laurel and I can also still be found on our home pages on (WARNING: All of our fics are for 18+... these are not for the faint of heart or for children. We write dark and dirty shit!)
We look forward to bringing out the dark Emmett lover in you all. *laughs* See you soon.
Woo go girls! Can't wait!