Hello fans of the Darkest Temptations, my fellow lovers of purvy proclivities, dark deliciousness, and, dare I say it…Cullenman cunnilingus (look it up: dictionary.com). Since this is my first official rec for DT and all of you, I’d thought we’d start out with a bang. Heh. It’s the last week of all things Darkisle here, and what better way to end it then with a naughty, commanding, firm, and oh soooo…Domisle, eh? (That's for all of my Canadian pals. Ahem, Alexis.)
So I begin where I began, with one of the first fics I ever read (even before MoTU). I’ll say up front it’s chock full of BDSM, so if that ain’t your thang…well, you probably wouldn’t be on this site, now would ya? *winks*
Summary from ItHappened: Bella is forced to explore her darker side as she struggles to learn what has happened to her old childhood friend Alice. Dark themes. B/C x A/C
Bella is in college at UCLA (that’s University of California-Los Angeles), and spots an old friend half way through the semester in her History class, a once “vibrant” person, “bubbly, outgoing, and always one of the better friends”, who now seems different – emotionless, sleep-deprived, and wearing a strange choker-like necklace of black leather.
She follows her after class, needing to find out why her old friend’s personality has radically changed from what she knew in grade school:
"Alice!" I called out to her. I saw her flinch when she heard her name and stop in her tracks. Hesitantly, she turned her head and looked over at me. Her fearful glance made me stop heading towards her and I almo
A slick black Mercedes appeared in front of my changed friend, and the engine purred beautifully when it came to a stop at the curb. The glass was almost completely tinted, and the only thing I could see inside was a large shadowy figure in the driver's seat. Alice closed her eyes and took in a breath before turning and opening the passenger door. The car's door lifted up, instead of out like most car doors did. The man inside had a large build and wore a dark suit that hugged his body perfectly. He was dressed impeccably. The way you would expect the owner of such an expensive car to dress. His right hand was firmly gripping the gear shift in the middle of the car and his other hand had the steering wheel grasped firmly on top. There was a dark,
The man's face was angelic, yet with a hint of something sinister. His jaw line trailed down the side of his cheek, and his eyes, whose color I couldn't discern since the car was so dark, were on me the entire time. I suddenly felt as if he was challenging me in a way, controlling me with his gaze and pressuring me to back down and look away. But I didn't. I just kept staring at him the entire time it took for Alice to slide into the car and close the door over her. In the shadow of the darkened window, I saw his head finally turn back towards the road and he shifted the car into gear and sped off. What ever had happened to Alice, I had a feeling that that man driving had something to do with her dramatic change of personality.
Bella decides to do some research, spotting a parking tag on the mysterious man’s Mercedes that indicates he’s either faculty or staff at the hospital, and…dun duh duh, she finds he is a previous resident from a hospital in Forks, Washington, a gynecologist specializing in…wait for it… Prolapse, Vaginal and Pelvic Support, and Vaginal Reconstruction. (Move over, Mel Gibson. For those of you going huh? that’s a, I hesitate to use the word old so, former SNL skit.)
After a close call with said Mercedes, a driving Dr. Cullen, and a docile Alice, Bella decides she needs to find out what’s wrong with her friend. The only way to do that is to pay the good doctor a visit, as a new patient. Yes, I said a new patient. She’s never seen a male doctor before for the “hey, how’s it going down there” appointment.
Dr. Cullen turned his head to l
"Oh," I fumbled. "Sorry."
Hesitantly, I pushed my legs to work right and placed them into the clothed metal rests that exposed all of me to him. The paper dress I wore blocked my view, but I could see his face well enough when he turned around and headed towards me. He didn't look at all phased by what he could obviously see. It was just another gynecology appointment to him, but to me, it was like a new chap
I threaded my hands together on my lap and closed my eyes.
"Take a deep breath and relax, Isabella." Dr. Cullen tried easing my discomfort as he placed one hand on my lower abdomen. Helplessly, I did as he instructed, and inhaled a lung full of air and then exhaled. The moment I did so, I felt his fingers slide into my body smoothly. The feeling of him caused me to let out a slight moan. Dr. Cullen had been looking at the time, but snapped his attention back to me when he heard my tiny groan.
"Relax your muscles," he said, almost in a whisper. Again, I did as he said and felt his hand push down while his fingers worked expertly around inside of me. This wasn't supposed to be anything sexual in nature, but having such an attractiv
"When was your last period?" His question brought the sexual level to an all-time low.
I swallowed the knot that had built up in my throat and looked up at the halogen lights in the ceiling.
"About three weeks ago," I replied after a beat.
Dr. Cullen's fingers suddenly left my body, forcing me to suppress another moan. When I looked back up at him, I thought I had c
"So, you know Alice," he mused, keeping his back to me. In shock, I watched him remove the latex gloves on his hands with a loud snapping noise and tossed it into the trash bin. I felt like I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. And with most of my clothes still discarded on the chair beside me, there wasn't a good chance I could quickly get out of that room with my decency still intact.
I told myself to remain calm. To keep relaxed, just as he had told me to do moments ago.
"Yes," I said, after a moment to regain my composure. "I do."
"Why are you here?" he asked me as I felt the click of the speculum opening me up. Gently, he squeezed the inside of my t
"I want..."
Getting words out of my mouth was proving to be more than a challenge.
Ooh, hello. Now, being the titillating rec'er that I am, I'm not giving you Bella's response, nor do I think I’m spoiling anything for anyone by the above, on the contrary. For those of you who are wondering, there is a VERY naughty Edward in this, though not the kind you would expect, and a very nummy Jasper makes an appearance as well.
Yippee, Ki-yay Kinksters!!
Now I’m a FIRM believer in love for any author who dares to put his/her work out there for pleasure/torture of us lascivious fanfic readers, so remember to review like the whores we are. If there’s a fic out there deserves a good smack on the ass, do me a favor and send me the info so I can pop in on it and have
Oh, and leave me some love in a form of a comment and let me know if I should continue this gig, or the girls from DT should flog and whip me now. *smiles innocently*
Until next time, may your Darkest Temptations be served…
Heh, heh, heh. Eh. So proud of you ;)
ReplyDeleteExcellent rec my dear. The only problem I find with this story, so far, is how in the world a pap could be even remotely arousing. Maybe it's because Dr. C can actually find the cervix. Who knows, eh? ;)
You did a fantastic Job on your first post Darlin'. WTG.
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd fit right the fuck in here.