This is a NEW segment that will be my search for new unknown dark fics and authors. As we all know the men of Twilight have very sexy dark sides. We as authors like to explore those sides. That is the reason for this segment. I will do the searching, scoping and digging for you. I will give you details and fun facts about the fics and authors as I come across them.
This Weeks Dark author is: Jaspers Cherry and her "Darksper" fic "Keep Awake" is awesome. I get g-chats daily with teasers and I can say she made me lose my focus a few times while at work.
I asked Mandi (Jaspers Cherry) a couple of questions about her fic this is what she had to say.
Kitten: Who or what inspired you to write your Darksper, "Keep Awake"?
Mandi: What inspired me?: I was up at 4am with about two hours of sleep and listening to the 100Monkeys song by the same name when I started wondering what it would be like to have vampires controlling the world and being a human growing up in that kind of world.
Kitten: What is it that made you do Darksper instead of one of the other vampires, may they be male or female?
Mandi: I love Darksper characters to a fault. He intrigues me because to me, he's the easiest to show with a dark, sadistic side compared to the other characters. There was never a contest for me because when I came up with the scenario, all of the characters chose their own sides. My Jasper just happens to really like the dark side of things.
Now here's a glimpse into Chapter one: (This is my favorite part)
Jasper's POV:
“Bella?” She looked at me as I climbed out of the car and she came around to the driver’s side. I had the decency to wear the apologetic look I was so great at. “I shouldn’t have accepted your offer to drive me home. Curfew’s in five minutes.”
“It-it’s no problem.”
I knew from her face, however, that she was afraid. “I can’t let you risk getting in trouble. Why don’t you call your dad to let him know that you’re safe and staying with a friend?” She didn’t look too sure, but I caught her gaze and held it, as I used my power on her. “You can trust me. You aren’t afraid.”
She nodded and we went inside before she pulled out her phone. I had to admit that I was surprised when she told her father that she was staying with a girl named Angela, who was apparently the daughter of a local pastor. I had to stop myself from laughing at the irony of lying about a pastor’s family.
BAM!!! That's how it starts Jasper is a sneaky hot bastard and you crumble under his sexiness and power... *drools*
A glimpse into Chapter two...
Bella's POV:
“Sorry I’m late,” I apologized. “I got stuck on the other side of town last night.”
She nodded in understanding, before her eyes narrowed at the sight of the gauze on my neck. “What happened?”
I hesitated before answering, “We were attacked. It’s really fuzzy and I don’t even remember it.”
She gave me a sympathetic look. “Why don’t you go home for the day? I can handle the store for the day.”
“N-no.” I stuttered. For some reason, I felt like I had to work this shift. I had always felt like that, but now it seemed more important than anything else. “I can work.” She didn’t look too certain. “I promise, Esme. I’m okay. I just need something familiar.”
She nodded in understanding. “Alright, but you’re at the register today. And I want you to see Carlisle when he stops by tonight.”
Carlisle Cullen was one of the only one of their kind that I was comfortable around. He was actually really nice and I knew for a fact that he had a thing for Esme. Especially considering he always brought her something really sweet, like flowers or chocolates, whenever he came to visit. It was a very refreshing change from the others who came through town.
“Carlisle’s coming?” She nodded, a bright smile lighting up her face. I bit my lip, knowing that there was something that I had to do. “I-I really want to see him, but I have a date tonight. There’s this new boy who just moved in and we’re having dinner.” I noticed her giving me a strange look. “What?”
O.o something tells me that was not a good What... Bwahaha
Just for the sake of saying it.... Mandi (Jaspers Cherry) is in the ranks with the girls on this blog so sure with her sick twisted little mind, that I love so fucking much... I had the pleasure *blinks* to meet her Darksper and I don't remember much.. *laughs*
Kitten: Hello Mr. Sexy
Darksper: How about you come with me for a bit?
Kitten: smiles Well Sir I'm not sure you can handle me!
Darksper: smirks I think I can handle you. stares into your eyes You will come with me.
Kitten: sighs and nods lightly Yes Sir
Mandi: You can block th compulsion by u-- darksper covers mouth mmph.
Kitten: blinks where was I? Hmm okay so you were saying sir?
Darksper: *smirks* Remove your hair from your neck and tilt your head.
Kitten: looks at you and raises a brow Exscuse me Sir? I think not. looks at my paper
Darksper: tilts your head up and catches your eyes Do it. Now.
Kitten: pushes my hair away from my neck and tilts my head to the side
Darksper: Good girl. bends down and pierces your neck with my fangs
Kitten: lets out a whimper
Darksper: pulls away That wasn't so bad, was it?
Kitten: shakes my head No..no sir
Darksper: I will see you soon, Darlin'. *walks away*
Kitten: *shakes my head and laughs*
Now as you can see above.. I have no will power when it comes to Darksper. And neither do you so stop looking at me like that. *snickers*
Now go read the story.. Its awesome and as I have stated NO ONE can say no to Darksper... I tried... *rubs neck*
Click here to meet Darksper for yourself:

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