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Friday, November 19

Dark Oddities with GemmaLisaX

Balaur and Iele by Carolinagirl1275 Summary: After many years apart searching for and gaining power, Vladimir and Maria are finally together again.

This weeks Dark Oddity comes from a fantastic writer, with a talent for taking the already darker side of Twilight and running with it.  The paring that Carolinagirl1275 is on the run with at the moment probably has most people frowning and passing on.  They will be missing out.  This is a fic that should not be missed.  This is the first fic with this paring and let me tell you that she is on to something great.  While this is a short one shot, it is truly captivating and leaves you wanting more from this pair.  So...instead of just a simple rec, this week I had the pleasure of grabbing Carolinagirl1275 (she likes to be handled roughly *smirks*) for an interview.

And so...on with the show.

GemmaLisaX:                    What was the inspiration for the paring? Was it something that you had been thinking about for a long time?

Carolinagirl1275:               Well, I fell in love with Vlad the Creeptastic when he came into your story, and I had been mulling over the idea of writing a multi-chapter story about Maria and her history. My fantasies of Vlad just kinda snuck into my thoughts on the multi-chapter Maria thing, and a light bulb went off and I was CONVINCED that they would be awesome together.

GemmaLisaX:                    Oh they so do! I love the shared lust for power that they have, as well as for each other. They work fabulously well together!  I still can’t believe that you took A Different Direction (forgive me for the shameless pimp) and made him into such an intriguing character.  Apparently your fantasies really do pay off! *sniggers*

GemmaLisaX:                    Is this going to stay as a o/s or is it part of something bigger?

Carolinagirl1275:               I thought if there was ever a match made in heaven...well, that wording's off but you know what I mean, that it would be Vlad and Maria. And I am most definitely going to be incorporating this into the multi-chapter story about Maria that I have planned. I love these two together, and sadly there's nothing out there with this pairing. If I want to read this pairing, I'm gonna have to write the story.

GemmaLisaX:                    Yes! Go write! lol. I can't wait to read it more from this paring, and more of Maria's past and future. I know that it will be so captivating to hear more from these two.

Carolinagirl1275:               I hope so. I'd hate to feel like more of a weirdo by being the only person to read this pairing.

GemmaLisaX:                    Well I, for one, will definitely read it. It's new and innovative and incredibly fascinating.

GemmaLisaX:                    Do you think that people will like this because it's different? Something entirely new?

Carolinagirl1275:               Well I hope so. I mean, I'm writing it either way, but it would be nice to know that someone else could see the beauty of this paring. I mean you've got two Superpower scorned by the rest of their world. Vladimir, being one of the Romanians had his power forcibly taken from him, and good ole' Maria well, she wasn't subtle enough to keep it up. I would hope that people would be intrigued enough by the lack of story that's available on these two that they would read a longer fic exploring these two.

GemmaLisaX:                    I agree, I think the FF world is ready for some power hungry, hot as hell fiction between these two under used characters.

Carolinagirl1275:               Well, brace yourself, cause I don't plan on waiting much longer to get this one going. I keep getting glimpses of the story, and I can tell you it won't be for the faint of hard. Maria's a vicious bitch (I can say that, right?), but I really think the reasons behind that viciousness is what's so much worse.

GemmaLisaX:                    I'm pretty sure that you can say viscous bitch...yeah, viscous bitch is fine! lol. And not too long?! Yay!

GemmaLisaX:                    You seem to have a talent for the darker side of a person’s psyche, where do you get the inspiration from for the characters themselves?

Carolinagirl1275:               That's classified. Seriously, some of the inspiration is classified. I got a good glimpse at just how much darkness a person can contain when I was deployed in Afghanistan. I just kinda pull from some of the folks I knew there, and some of the events that I experienced there. I use those to inspire me.

GemmaLisaX:                    *nods* Fair enough, I'm liking the not telling me and therefore not having to kill me part. *Checks for your gun before giving you a big hug...and maybe a sneak boobie grope. Or two.*

GemmaLisaX:                    Who do you see as Vladimir?

Carolinagirl1275:               Wifey, you know the answer to this one...Ben Barnes, but not the clean cut Abercrombie and Fitch version. The dirty sweaty, just stepped out of the shower and oh my God, look at the water dripping off of his hair...umm, sorry, where were we?

GemmaLisaX:                    Er...Ben Barnes, I think. I know the picture you’re thinking of...he's yummy *sighs*

Carolinagirl1275:               As you well know, you are the only one I'll share him with.

GemmaLisaX:                    And I will be forever grateful for that, lol.

GemmaLisaX:                    Now...from Ben Barnes and onto the sex. *smirks*  The delicious, hot, sinful sex. Research? Inspiration? Experience? *winks*

Carolinagirl1275:               I may have an extensive database of porn that I call upon from time to time. I may also ask random strangers to describe what an orgasm feels like to them. I also may sacrifice myself from time to time for the sake of research. For this one-shot though, I just knew how it would go. The lust for power is really just a fancy kind of yearning for control and dominance. With these two power players, sex would have to be about control.

GemmaLisaX:                    *mutters* ‘may’ my arse.  *clears throat* So... can I...er...maybe borrow your computer?  You know, for...research purposes? *tries to look innocent*

Carolinagirl1275:               Anything for you. *winks*

GemmaLisaX:                    Aw, thank you Wifey!  Well, you enjoy Vlad and his...I mean your hard drive, lol.  Thank you so much for letting me pick your brains for this and good luck with the rest of the story, I honestly cannot wait to read it!

So there you go, get clicking on the link and go check it out, you will be begging for more and  I promise you that you will not be disappointed!  

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