Welcome to Darkest Temptations
Home of the Dark side

The Fics found here are dark in nature, so please use caution when browsing for a story. Darkest Temptations does have adult content, so please be aware before entering. If you need help finding the right kind of "dark", just let us know. We will be more than happy to help.

Thanks for visiting.
Enter the Dark Side

Tuesday, December 29

Welcome to the Dark Side of Jasper Whitlock

Here we will explore the darker side of our favorite Twilight Bad Boy, Jasper. Whether all human or super vamp, he has a dark story to tell and we are listening. Our favorite, and even our not so favorite, stories will be posted here. We are committed to delve into theses darker fics and see what they have to offer. Full stories, One shots, and even cracfic; if it's darksper ,we want it.

If you have a weak stomach or have a problem with certain subject matter, then I suggest you be careful in what you choose to read here, or don't take a chance and move right along. Wimps are not tolerated or welcome here.

There are different levels and different kinds of dark. Some of the stories here feature a mild darksper, others... well, they might surprise you with the depth of destruction he can cause. We will be doing weekly story reviews and pieces on our favorite Darksper stories, as to better give you an idea of the darkness each story entails, but it is ultimately your descision to read or not to read. So no flames should ever be thrown out at an author because you didn't like how dark and demented or not, a story is. When handling dark fics, you need to make sure you can handle it before venturing into the authors world. 

We hope you enjoy what we have to offer, and if not, well, don't say we didn't warn you.

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