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Enter the Dark Side

Wednesday, February 3

New Darksper Rec...

Yeah, so MaitresseSaint, who is a fellow Darlin' wrote a  new story and I'll be damned if it wasn't Darksper. She knows my little obsession with this very tasty Version of my favorite Twilight man, so I am convinced she wrote this for me, although she might disagree. 

So here we have Haunted, which is fitting if I do say so. We get to see Jasper stalking his prey and finding someone who looks like Alice of all people, to take home for the night. Well, forever really, because we all know what Darksper does to his prey when he gets them where he wants them. It is sexy and just down right fucksturbing, but right the fuck up my ally. 
We also get to see a little of why he isn't with the rest of the Cullen's and why he is alone. Could this be the reason he is wearing contacts to disguise his real eye color while looking for a random girl to sink his teeth, and other very coveted body parts (can we say sparkle peen?), into? 
Well it is one chapter in, and I am totes hooked. Run over and read it and see just how hot the girl writes. We feel in love with Unbreakable Road, but this shit is just all kinds of wicked. I say two fangs up, for this dark fic. 


  1. Oh shucks!! Thank you, Iz!! I have a lot in store for this story. Jasper isn't going to be the only one who's fucked up.

    Glad you like it. You and your blog definitely fueled the inspiration!

  2. Well, it looks like I'll need to go check this one out. Fellow darlin' writes it, fellow darlin' recs it, darksper. What can possibly be wrong with it? Thanks!

  3. So I checked it out and I'm totally hooked already. Do you have any more stories you recommend? BTW I also am hooked on the Darkmett story that MaitresseSaint's started. Fan-freakin-tastic! Anyway, can't wait for a new chap of Faith in you! Til then

  4. bookworm0902...
    Glad you liked it. If you check the left side of the blog, we have tons of Darksper rec's and even some other Dark Characters.. Enjoy.

  5. Bookworm0902- Thank you so much for reading and your reviews!! I'm glad you like the stories.
