Welcome to Darkest Temptations
Home of the Dark side

The Fics found here are dark in nature, so please use caution when browsing for a story. Darkest Temptations does have adult content, so please be aware before entering. If you need help finding the right kind of "dark", just let us know. We will be more than happy to help.

Thanks for visiting.
Enter the Dark Side

Thursday, February 4

We're having a contest...

Darkest Temptations presents:
Death by Darksper: An anonymous Darksper contest
We want to see your best Darksper in the most unforgivable act. Murder. That's right. What's the fun in having a Dark character if he isn't going to do something evil? We want your One Shots with our leading man, Dark Jasper, committing one of the deadly sins. He must deliver death to any other Twilight character (doesn't matter who) and do it well. It doesn't matter how they die, as long as they are DOA by the end of the story. 
Other than that, there are very few rules when writing your OS. See below for more details. We look forward to reading what your dark little minds come up with.

Contest Rules:
1. Darksper (Dark Jasper) must be the central character.
2. Length must be 2500+ words with no max limit.
3. Lemons are not mandatory, although very much allowed.
4. Collabs are welcome. Two entries max. (one individual/one collab)
5. 18 and up only - if you are under 18, you may not enter. Sorry!
6. Use your best grammar and punctuation, it will be screened for entry.
7. Contest is anonymous. You can submit your entries to darkesttemptations@gmail.com. Entries will be required to be validated before acceptance. Once accepted, your OS will be added to the Death by Darksper C2 community under the Death by Darksper Contest Profile. You can not post your OS under your name until the contest voting is over.
We reserve the right to refuse any fic based on the above rules.
Important Contest Dates:
Entries are will be accepted starting February 13 with the last day of entry being March 27.
Voting begins March 28 and ends April 3 with winners announced on April 4.
There will be Two winning categories:
Voting Round
Judges Pick
Banner for contest winner, author interview and your story rec'd by us on the blog.
How to submit your entry:
Email an attached copy of your OS to darkesttemptations@gmail.com We will review your entry for grammar and punctuation. We will provide constructive feedback if it does not meet requirements. You may resubmit your one shot up to three times with corrections. We're not heartless and want you to have ample opportunity to provide your best work! Once it has been accepted we will add it to the contest C2 under the “Death by Darksper” profile name.
Contact info:
"Death by Darksper" FF.net Profile page
As always if you have any questions or comments please contact us.


  1. I am really looking forward to this contest. I'm working on my entry at the moment and pimping you out on my twitter :)

  2. That's awesome. We can't wait to get your entry. Thanks for the pimpage. We hope to get lots of entries.

  3. Must he be a vampire? can it be AH? i'm curious :D

  4. Do we have to be 18? What is there's no sexual content and dark but still within limit? Please?

  5. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you ladies. No, it can be AH, AU, whatever. As long as he's dark and someone dies by his doing or hand.
    And yes, you have to be 18, Sorry. I will do another contest soon with all ages open. This one is too dark for anyone under 18 to read the other stories.
    Thanks and sorry again.
