Here Kitty Kitty...
It is my honor and a priviledge to bring you an interview with our beloved Jasper's Darlin', Kitty Cullen. She has many dark fics under her talented belt which includes few of my favorites... One Final Taste, One More Taste, and Control. Control is the biggest favorite of mine as I said I love them all and Kitty is an awesome author, but it just spoke to me for reasons I can't explain. I have been honored by Kitty helping me with my ideas at times when i am just not sure about something and I have been able to return that for. She is a major Jasper player, who knows how to make him play right into your mind and makes you love him even more. She is also collabed with a wide variety of authors who inturn all rock our socks.
Now for our interview:
Thank you for participating in our "Dark Authors Week". I can honestly say that I am a super huge fan and it is my honor that you accepted my invitation. When this came up you were the first one I thought of. "Control" owned me, it was like I couldn't stop reading. I just had to have more.
Okay enough of the flattery lets get to the dark business....
Tell us a little about you and what makes you tick?
Let’s see-I’m a mom, and I work part-time at a winery. When I’m not chasing the child around the house, I love to read. I’m currently reading the Black Jewels Trilogy, which is AWESOME. I also, as you know, spend my time writing. It’s the one thing that I do for myself that keeps me sane-living in such a small town I’ve gotta do something!
What draws you to the dark-side of fan fiction? Is it in your nature to gravitate that way even when reading?
Here’s the way I see it. These are VAMPIRES. And in Stephenie Meyers novels, they have the potential to be very bad. In fact, it’s in their nature. And while sometimes it’s all well and good that they’re vegetarians, and fluffy bunnies and that, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes, you’ve got to let them have their blood. To me, there is nothing sexier than a vampire who’s doing what they’re meant to do.
Who are some of your favorite dark authors and stories? And why?
Oh, Gee. Innocence Lost by cullen818 is rocking me right now-she does bad soooo good. Faith in You by JaspersIzzy is also at the top of my list right now (and I’m not biased because I beta it-it truly is AWESOME).
Your stories consist of a hot and dark Jasper. Is there a reason you choose to write Jasper and not Emmett or Edward?
I don’t like Edward. I think he’s pushy and snobbish. Emmett is too brotherly for me to write most of the time-I can’t really get inside his head. Jasper…I just kind of feel him. I think he’s sexy, and dangerous, and kind all at the same time. What sold it for me was when I read the draft of Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer’s website-when he’s considering all the ways he can kill Bella…*shudders* How can you not love him? He would kill an innocent girl for the safety of his family.
Are there reasons for the struggles in the stories you write? For example in Control, Jasper and Bella have struggles that need to be over come. Is there a purpose in that or is it just the vision lead you down that path as you were writing?
I don’t want to make things easy. In relationships, there are usually fights, and struggles that have to be overcome. Jasper and Bella are the same, even more so. In my stories, for the most part, Edward and Bella were together as well as Alice and Jasper-so they have to overcome those old relationships first before they can be together. I just want to make it as realistic as vampires can get!
I know you are currently collaborating with LacyM3 under the pen-name Lace Kittens. Is there a rhyme or reason behind that? Is it different writing alone than it is to write with a co-author? Do you think it makes your story better or just adds a different flavor to the writing?
Originally, Lacy and I just kind of decided to write together. Like, I was tweeting about collabing again, and so was she, and we were like “why don’t we do this together?” When we got started, we found out that we worked really well together-she’s literally the other half of my brain. One story turned into two, and then three, and then four…shall I keep going? It’s very different, but in a good way. I always have her to work through a chapter with, and we feed off of each other. I think it adds a great new flavor to the writing-we both have different ideas that can blend together in a great way, and we really can make it flow. If it wasn’t for her, I would be giving away one of my stories. We’re going to turn my story, The Bella Swan Guide to Getting Your Life Back into a lace kittens project, because I was having such a hard time. I love her hard.
I’ve also collabed with a few other great girls, and I love them all dearly-Bamababe, NCChris, Maitressesaint, and currently, tiffaninichole.
What is your inspiration behind your stories? Do they come to you easily?
Um, Usually I just start thinking about ‘what if?” With Control, I just thought ‘what if Jasper let his powers get out of hand? What would he do then?” I could see him struggling with it. And then with Awake in the Dark, I thought that there wasn’t enough Sexsper out on the market and that needed to be remedied ASAP.
Do you have any future plans to write more Darksper? AH or Au?
At the moment, no, but that’s because I don’t’ have anything in the works. I plan on starting the sequel to Control in the near future, but that’s the only work in progress that I have (besides lace kittens projects). Perhaps when Awake in the Dark is complete, I’ll start another Darksper story. Or you never know-the inspiration might hit and I’ll have to jump right in like I always do.
Is there any advice you'd give to any one reading this interview who is unsure if they could write a dark story?
Give it a shot! Just give over to basic instinct, and go from there. Don’t be afraid-the only person you need to make happy is yourself.
Feel free to give us any thoughts on the interview. Also if you could tell us where all your stories can be found, I will add them along with anything else you might have going on in the fandom
Thanks for interviewing me, I really am super-honored!! It’s fantastic. *blows kisses*
Thanks again to Kitty for taking the time to give us a bit of herself. We really appreciate it BB.
Kitty Cullen's can be found:
Jasper's Darlin's Blog
Kitty Cullen's can be found:
Jasper's Darlin's Blog
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