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Enter the Dark Side

Wednesday, April 14

Dark Authors Week Presents : Gemgem020507

Today we are honored to have a chance at getting into GemGem020507's dark little mind. She was nice enough to share a little of herself with us and show us a bit of her dark side.

Tell me a bit about Gemgem020507 the writer. Do you have a specific writing process?

 Um, not really. I tend to get an idea in my head for a week or so and whenever I find myself driving somewhere or even just laying in bed, I think about it and how to turn it in to a fic. I guess a lot of my writing is done in my scary, scary mind! My writing process is erratic. I tend to have ideas and then have to find a way to weave them together. For instance, for 'Feel You', I knew I wanted the plot to be in Twilight before Edward and Bella really fell in love. I also knew I wanted the final line of the o/s to be “Little would they know that they had the right cause of death...just the wrong animal”. So I just had to figure out the rest, ha!

What is it about the darker side of Fan Fiction that intrigues you? Is it only Darksper or do you enjoy the dark fic genre as a whole?

 Well, I think every girl, deep down, loves the bad boy! I like the idea of S.M's vamps being, as she says, 'the world's most dangerous predator'. I think that is the essence of why I enjoy darker fics, exploring the idea that these amazingly good-looking vampires can have you under their spell in seconds. There is something sensual about the idea of being at Darksper's predatory mercy. The image that I always think of when it comes to Darksper, is him either sniffing or licking the victim's neck. That idea that he has life in his hands, to do with as he wishes. Jasper is my fave Cullen, he has the best back story and always balances on the brink of slipping. Plus...southern draw, just sayin'.

Your o/s Feel You was pretty dark. Where did you come up with that version of Jasper?

 That is how I see Jasper. He would do anything to protect his coven, his family. He is still The Major at heart, and will never fully leave the war mentality. To him, humans are beneath him. They were at one point, unlike the other Cullen's, his food! I believe Jasper would have thought nothing of killing one human to save his mate and the family who rescued him from his personal hell. In my mind, I also think that if Jasper did decide to take care of Bella, he would have made the most of it. I mean, imagine living off just drinking water and eating dry bread but spending all day everyday around juicy steaks! If you decide to snap and eat the steak, guarantee you're gonna enjoy every single second of it, ha. I also love the idea of how Jasper's gift can be used in a negative way rather than positive. I would have to imagine that Jasper's power is the best to acquire human prey, but I find that is rarely explored. So in short, my Jasper is protective, manipulative, predatory and hott, ha!

 I know at one time you spoke of expanding Feel You into a full fic, but hit a few bumps in the road with some discouraging reviews. Are you still tossing the idea around?

 I actually am, yes. I would really like to take this opportunity to address the situation a little. When I first posted 'Feel You' I was met with a lot of negative response. I even received personal attacks via emails that upset me so much. My rock at that point, was my beta Angelz1114577. She even jumped to my defense and earned herself the title of Super Beta, Da-Da-D-Da! She talked me down from the writing ledge and convinced me to continue. I did however, kinda toss aside 'Feel You' and the idea of continuing or writing any other Darksper. It was pushed to the back of my mind...that was until I received the kindest review from a crazy woman called Akyria. Her review was nothing but praise and affirmation that I am not alone in wanting to read and write Darker fics. Her review touched me so much that I had to respond, (which, to be honest, I don't do much anyone regarding 'Feel You'). I thanked her and explained how alienated writing the fic had actually made me feel, I think I thanked her a million times over, ha. The next day, I receive an email. In short, it said hey, look here, it's a blog called Jasper's Darlin's, they will love you. Through that email I have FINALLY found a community that is more me! I have found that I am not alone in my love of Darksper and that I am not twisted in wanting to read and write a vampire actually killing someone (shock, I know). I feel so much better about 'Feel You' now and I know that if I do continue, I wont be lynched!

Do you normally read dark fics? And if so, are there any authors or fics that you feel really get the “dark” on.

Um, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I want some romance and goodness, sometimes I want all consuming darkness, other times I want lemons with no plot! Darksper is my weakness though, especially when demanding to be addressed as Major, on threat of punishment...Did I reveal a little too much there? Woops. Right now there are two Dark fics that are owning my ass! The first is “Innocence Lost” by Cullen 818 *giggle snort* totally not kissing ass, promise. I love a darker Edward for a change, not to mention that I am an absolute angst h00r. Dark-angst and I am in heaven. Speaking of dark-angst, Darksper+Darkward=Happy GemGem! Queue segway to 'You'll Be Mine' by Jasper's Naughty Girls. But there is one mention I would like to make for a AH fic that owned me start to end, sequel too! 'First Love Lost' by Oracle Vas. This is a Dark Jasper, but humanly dark. I loved it.

What is the best part about writing fanfiction for you?

I think it depends on the type of fic. I currently have a multi-chap that has a lot of myself in it. It is based from personal experience and the best part for me is when I receive a review saying how I have written the personal aspects well and with respect, or that they have been there too and I have written the character well. When it comes to darker fics, I enjoy like minded readers who say, hey since you are this kind of writer, you will love this fic. I also enjoy writing out my twisted little fantasies or ideas and seeing them complete. I guess it is hard to pick my favorite part, I love to write, I really do. But if I have to pick, the best part of all, is being within a community of funny and same-minded people. I love meeting new readers and friends, prime example being Akyria! I am now her blog partner and I spend pretty much all day everyday emailing, tweeting or Iming the crazy woman!

Are you currently working on any new fics? Do you have a story line that just won’t leave you alone?

I am currently working on a collab with Akyria but right now, it is a little hush, hush. I do have a storyline that won't leave me alone though! It would involve Darksper but right now I can only see how to make it work as AH and I don't want that. So I am trying to tweak the idea in my mind to make it vamp centric. I am almost there, so I may start to try and write it soon. It will only be a o/s but I can guarantee lemons, I mean, what is Darksper without a citrus twist? All I will say is this, Dark-sper, Cop-ella and a jail cell!

Thanks for stopping by to chat with me, and can I say, I'll take a little ass kissing anyday! lol

GemGem020507 can be found...


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