Darkest Temptations Temptresses' Jaspers Sex Kitten and Cullen818 Have a Rec for you...
Want a Darksper, we've got a Darksper everyone should read. It is all the elements of craziness wrapped into one. You have Love, Anger, Fear, Wrath, Depression, Empathy, Lust, Intrigue... and so on. Covers all the main aspects of our Favorite, dark lusty vampire.
Bound by Promises -by- Jaspers Izzy
Summary: When all else is lost, Jasper makes a promise that finds himself bound to the one he hates most in the world. AU/Set During Eclipse
There are not enough words for me to use to tell you the kind of write Izzy is. She is very good at her interpretation of Jasper and Bella, well the Cullen clan really. So here we get into what I call the shades of Darkness. We all see them as we read or write. You can go from gray to black in the blink of an eye. That is what Izzy does in Bound by Promises.
Poor Jasper's love, life and family are all gone in the blink of an eye. Why? Bella. The chick is trouble no matter what she tries to do. The one thing Jasper has to promise is to always watch out for her and keep her safe. You know he'd do anything for Alice. What Alice wanted Alice got.
Now, I am proud to say I was one of the first ones to preview this fic before chapter 1 was even posted. I was honored by that fact. As I opened my email I had butterflies. Izzy is one of the reasons I am writing so i wanted to give it my full, undivided attention. I pulled the ipod out and started reading. I gasped, chuckled, and cried. I am not one to take my reading lightly. This first chapter had me on the edge of my seat. If I remember right I even yelled at the computer when a few bad things happened. by the end it's total loss and devastation....
Now here is a teaser of Chapter 1:
"We need to form a line, something concrete to keep any of them from pushing through." I knew we had no time to come up with a plan and this was the best I could do on such short notice.
As everyone formed in to a line of sorts, Alice took my hand in hers and squeezed it. I looked down at her and even through the waves of terror; I could feel her love for me. It was shining through and made me love her just a little more for it. I leaned over her tiny frame and took her in my arms, planting a kiss on her head.
"I love you." I told her, sending her all the love I had for her over the years. "Stay by my side and remember what I taught you."
"I love you, too." She said as she hugged me tightly. She was scared over what the outcome would be with the task ahead of us, but I could also feel that same undercurrent of emotions I was curious about just before we left our home.
"Darlin', why are you feeling hopelessness and hope at the same time?" I asked as we waited for Victoria to show herself. She hugged me tighter and breathed me in, but instead of answering my question, she asked one of her own instead.
"Will you make the promise to me that I asked you before we left?" She whispered in to my shirt. Edward looked in our direction sharply and his eyes were suddenly clouded with despair. That look made me want to grab Alice and run as far and fast as I could. Any shred of hope that we were getting out of this alive was smashed with the look in Edward's eyes, and I knew then that we were all going to die.
Before I could answer her, Victoria and her minions came into view through the trees. Her odd colored, flaming red hair stuck out like a strawberry in a sea of ivy. Alice pulled away then, but didn't look at me, instead focusing on the newborns that were in Victoria's tow. I sent out waves of confidence and relaxation to everyone to help everyone focus.
When Victoria saw us waiting for her, she didn't smile or speak. She just hissed and charged, along with her small army of vampires, in our direction full force. Two more wolves came through the tree line and collided with two newborns just before we crashed together in a whirl of snarling and snapping of teeth. I went for the biggest son-of-a-bitch I could find, who thankfully was being trailed by one of the smallest newborns for Alice.
I collided with the monstrosity of what used to be a man, and went for his throat. He was big, but very inexperienced. I on the other hand knew how newborns fought and was able to take a big chunk out of his arm before he threw me off him and into a tree. He was stronger than I, since he possessed newborn strength, but I was quicker and more lethal.
He ran towards me and I dodged to the left just as he got close enough; grabbing his neck and whirling to his back. Sinking my teeth in his neck, I pulled with all my might and the tearing metal sound was loud, along with his screams, as I detached his head. I made quick work of his arms and legs, flinging them in all directions, before turning to find Alice doing the same to hers. She may be small, but she was fierce and it was one of the many things I loved about her.
So now, after total devastation, our loving, heartfelt empath Jasper goes from grey to black and wicked our favorite dark Major comes out to play. Mwhahaha
I can't lie and you know I am just as twisted as the rest of you but this one takes the cake. The round Robbin he pulls made me squeal. I was like... wtf? No... then I laughed, yeah there I said it I laughed and I believe my exact words to myself as I read were, Oh shit now you've done it, and then another round of laughing.
I felt bad for Bella but on the other hand, Jasper had lost everything too. He lost his light, his guiding force, his world was turned upside down and there was no turning back. One of the things Izzy and I talked about after the first chapter was done, was the fact that Major here gets really dark. She was a freaid to scare readers off. Pfft... we love our Darksper's. If it scares them off then they are not true heartfelt Darksper lovers.
Now I say go read... love and leave Izzy your thoughts and love... oh and NO Haters Allowed, mkay... Thanks
Kitten... out!!

Want to talk about a dark fic? OMJ...this Jasper is dark, scary and delicious. Izzy is a master at setting the scene for a twisted story. What she does in chapter one alone will blow you away. I have been hooked on this story from the first sentence, It's an amazing tale of a family torn apart. You need to read to see exactly what Jasper promises and why, but he regrets his decision immediately. Will Bella pay the price?
This is an extremely dark story, and this Jasper gives me chills. I'm anxious to see what he will do next. He's desperate and alone, and there is no telling what his next move will be. If you are looking for a Darksper that you haven't seen before, give this story a try. It's only a few chapters in, so you can jump right in. It's a fantastic read.

Click the link below... You know you want to.... *evil grin*

What the hell??? I leave for three weeks and come back to you beautiful ladies giving me pretteh words on my sweet fluffy story? Gah, I love you both right now. You are both so sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words. You girls are the best.
We're just glad you're back mama! We missed you. And how could we not rec your fluffy fic? lol It's great!