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Saturday, June 26

Izzy Reviews "Just Wait" by InstantKarmaGirl

You know, sometimes in our search for the dark, we set out to look for a certain dark character. We crave the ruthlessness of Dark Jasper, or the incredibly twisted mind of a Dark Edward. Even the thrill of seeing a psychopathic Bella. We love these dark characters who mess with our minds and shiver in fear, but sometimes, you find a dark character who isn't really that dark at all. Or at least they don't mean to be. 

Not from the stand point of being a serial killer who hears voices that make them do it, or even someone who is full of anger they don't know how to control it, but because life has dealt them one fucked up hand and they have no choice but to be the way they are. A defense against what fate has thrown in their tangled web of life. 

This is what we get with the story I am delivering to you all today. 

AH AU OOC In a world saturated by vices, Bella is forced to move in with her father to avoid the repercussions of her past deeds. But after she meets the socially withdrawn adopted son of the town's doctor, will she allow herself to open up and heal?

I honestly don't remember where this fic came from. I get a lot of rec's thrown my way, and I mean a LOT. I even have a bookmark folder where I keep them all until I can find the time to make it through them. It's a scary long list, but I do search through it regularly when I just want to sit down and read and get away from the many responsibilities I have in the fandom.  

So when I found this on my bookmarks bar, instead of in the bookmarks folder where I normally keep it, I had to wonder where it came from. I am positive it must have come to me as a rec from someone. I don't remember who it was that sent it to me but I want to say thank you. 

I have engrossed myself in this fic for the last week when I got a chance. This is one of those fics where you go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. I just couldn't get it out my head when I wasn't glued to my laptop. I even had a dream about it one night that was so vivid, it sort of freaked me out. 

Now, what is this fic about that has seem to capture my full attention while finding time to read? Well, I'll tell you, but I warn you that it's not for the faint of heart. The author continually tells you at the beginning of every chapter that if you are sensitive to any and all forms of abuse, sexual or otherwise, then to stop reading. I ask that you do the same with this rec. The subject matter is very intense and dark. 

We start out with Bella being shipped off to live with her father in Forks after Renee calls him up and tells him that he either takes her or she goes to jail. Renee is tired of dealing with Bella and her wild ways, especially after her last stunt of stealing a car. Bella is wild and reckless, doing things that would land most normal seventeen year olds in jail, but not all is as it may seem. 

Once Bella arrives in Washington with a father she barely knows and appears to not really want her, things slowly start to become unraveled. Bella's life is full of secrets, and not the normal teenage secrets, but ones that involve a sadistic mother. 

She begins her new life on the same destructive path that she's used to. Drugs, sex, and rebellion. She then meets her new biology partner, Edward Cullen. She sees him and thinks he's hot, but everyone seems to treat him as an outcast, and not in the hot bad boy way. They make fun of him. She soon finds out why when she hears Edward speak for the first time. 

She then understands why he's picked on and made fun of. He's a social outcast, but Bella doesn't care. She's lived a life out trying to stay in the shadows so it doesn't bother her. Part of her "punishment" for being sent to live with her dad, is attending a mucked up therapy session with a group of troubled teens her age at Dr. Cullen's home every Friday. She soon finds herself being paired with Edward as her teen peer. 

This starts a journey for Bella and Edward together. They realize that the darkness that clouds their pasts are not so different. They've experienced more horror in their seventeen years than most people experience their whole lives. It brings them together in a way neither of them have ever imagined. 

This story is written from Bella's POV and Edward's POV. It switches every few chapters and gives us a glimpse into both of their minds, which is one of the things I love about this fic. It gives us so much into both of their dark pasts, and trust me when I say this review does not do it justice. It is dark and twisted. So much so that a lot of readers won't make it through it. 

It is heartbreaking to see how evil people of the world have messed their lives up so badly. Delving into their minds, you can see how they would be good kids if life had treated them somewhat fairly. If someone had just cared, but it didn't happen that way, and we see what damage evil people can do in the lives of young innocent children. 

I left out a lot of info because you really need to discover this for yourself. For something so dark, it's beautifully written. Karma Girl makes you feel their emotions in a vivid way. You can almost see the pain and raw emotion on their faces as she writes out these chapters, which are incredibly long. So worth the wait for her to write them. 

So this brings me back around to where I started. I chose to represent this as a Dark Bella fic, not so much because she is dark, but more that her life is clouded in darkness. So far Bella's life comes off as the more sinister and demented, compared to her and Edward, but that's because Edward hasn't disclosed much of his past to Bella yet. We get glimpses, enough to make you realize what happened, but nothing concrete. 

That is slowly changing now as she continues to update. Edward's dark past is starting to look more fucked up than Bella's and her's is pretty twisted. 

Please give this story a read if you haven't already done so. You dark lover's out there will definitely love this fic and please make sure to leave her some love. 

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