Summary: Bella Swan fall victim to kidnapping by vampires. But, what could they possibly want with her? And who is The Major? A/U, rated for strong language, dark themes, lemons and mind violence.
This o/s was writing for The Best Domination Ever competition, and is dark and contains strong language, kidnapping and sexual content. And of course it is Jasper/Bella...
Dark, Dirty and fucking hot, are the words that come to mind when I think of Gemma's O/S. Again, I am proud to say I got a first look at this little jewel before it was fineshed and posted. Gemma is very creative and a very sick puppy. But that being said this O/S is full of a dirty Jasper... need I say more? *smirks*
It is one that everyone needs to read. The things that happen, the expierences, the moments of bliss Bella. There was one part that as I read, I gasped, holding in a moan. (not ashamed one bit either... lol) Most of you will have the same reaction I did, trust me.
Now here is a preview of the dark meeting the dirty... *laughs*
I took a step backwards, deathly afraid of the creature in front of me. There was such menace in his voice and body language. Before I could even register his movements, he had his body pressed against mine and his hand running through my hair. I let out a small squeal of surprise and fear, his smile grew. He pushed my hair over my shoulder and tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck in one fluid, harsh movement. His nose ran along the entire length of my neck and his ice cold tongue flicked out against my pulse-point. I couldn't help the humiliating groan that left my lips without consent.
"So responsive," The Major whispered as he took the bottom of my ear in to his cool mouth. "I like that." Then just as quickly as I felt his presence, he was across the other side of the room. "Sit," he instructed and pointed to the edge of the bed.
I hesitated, far too afraid to move and he let out a growl that made my blood run cold. "Sit or I will sit you!" It wasn't a suggestion, it was a direct order and this time my body obeyed. I ran across the room and sat on the corner of the huge bed.
He moved to stand between my knees, towering over my sitting form. "Rule number one Isabella, you do not hesitate when I give you instructions. What I ask you to do will be for your own benefit or safety. Do not question my decision or try to understand. From this moment, you have no need to think at all, that is my job. I will only act in your best interest, that is my duty."
Now run, don't walk to this link, you will not regret it, I promise!

Enjoy and happy dirty Jasper thoughts.
Kitten Out!

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