Happy Halloween!
We introduce to you the new blog. We've worked hard on it for the last few weeks, and hope you like the new look. Take a good look around today, as we have fun surprises hidden everywhere for our dark lovers. You never know what kind of creepy crawlies and ax wielding maniacs are hiding behind each corner... well, link. Mwhahahaha!
As you enjoy the new blog today, we present to you a massive Halloween special! This is a fun little (not) post full of fuckery galore, and we invite you to be a part of it. Below you will find all kinds of goodies. Videos, pictures, and even some scary tales to be told.
Keep in mind that this is the DT blog, and we don't do things subtly here. The images Below can be frightening to some, and down right disturbing to others. Please keep this in mind while reading our special post. This is your warning!
Keep in mind that this is the DT blog, and we don't do things subtly here. The images Below can be frightening to some, and down right disturbing to others. Please keep this in mind while reading our special post. This is your warning!
We've done our research and explored some fables, myths and even urban legends for your Halloween enjoyment. We hope you enjoy The Darkest Temptations Halloween Special.
GemmaLisax's Special Halloween Tribute:
Excerpt from the diary of Isabella Swan, Day One
Finally arrived! Thank you God. Mike was driving me up the wall on the flight over, the over excited
puppy cannot take no for an answer. You would think that the diamond on my left ring finger
would’ve been enough of a clue. But no, not Mike. No he thinks, and these are his words not mine,
that an engaged woman is simply playing hard to get. Yeah, I'm sure that Jasper would just love
Mike’s way of thinking. He’d show his appreciation with a fist to Mike’s nose. I kept having to
remind myself that I would not have to put up with him for long. Two weeks and I will be back where
I belong.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes. I had read that over and over again. It was her, it was my Bella. The old
her. The her before whatever happened in Romania changed her personality and eventually took
her away from me. As of tonight, Bella had been gone for almost a week with no signs of where she
had been taken. Her diary and research notes are the only things that we have to go on, and I had
been pouring over them since they were recovered; trying to find anything that might be helpful.
Bella kept them on her computer and made the folder password protected. I didn’t understand that.
They weren’t case sensitive, and there was nothing that she was doing that needed that level of
privacy. Especially from me. From the beginning of our relationship, Bella and I had always trusted
each other and she would often show me her notes. I loved her enthusiasm and that she genuinely
wanted my opinion. It had always been that way.
We had hoped that these papers and writings would give us clues as to what had happened to
Bella’s research party. There had been six of them when they left; Mike Newton, Angela Webber,
Jessica Stanley, Tyler Crowley, Jacob Black and Bella. They had been so excited about travelling to
where the vampire legends began. Each of them had a different reason for being there, Bella was
a Media Studies major with a minor in psychology; she had always been fascinated by vampires.
She had collected together this group of people to collaborate on this project, like-minded people
with similar interests. Angela was in Bella’s Media class, she was a full on Goth and proud of it. I
had never seen her in anything other than black with a splash of red somewhere. Not that that shit
bothered me, each to their own and all that. Angela was into the whole vampire scene. The ‘real’
vamps, I mean. She had razor scars all over her body where she allowed the ‘real’ vamps to drink
from her. Her boyfriend, Ben, was her vampire. They had been together for years and I had to
wonder what the hell all those little tastes of blood that he was getting from her hand done to
both him and her. Bella and I had gone with them to a club one time; they have them all over the
country. We didn’t partake in the festivities, blood play held no interest to me at least.
Jacob Black, or Jake as we all called him, is full-blooded Quillette. Jake, Bella and I all grew up
together back in Washington State. He was a right little runt when we were younger, and I was
constantly stopping him from getting bullied by the larger children. It was a damn shock when the
skinny little tanned boy went through puberty and came out as a huge, muscle bound behemoth of
a man. He even intimidated me, and I wasn’t exactly small. There were legends in his tribe, tales
of wolves and shape shifters, protectors of the people. Jake was the historian of the tribe, he was
also an over-protective brother type figure to Bella. So when it turned out that I couldn’t accompany
them to Romania, he went in my stead. He laughed about maybe finding real werewolves there
while he was at it. Was it irony that he was attacked, dragged off and probably killed by a wolf?
Mike and Tyler were there for an easy grade, coasting along on Bella’s talent. Jessica was following
Mike, even if the dumb shit was oblivious to her advances. I really shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
Excerpt from Isabella Swan’s Research Notes: -
Possible Introduction and basic notes (will refine later on)
Author Bram Stoker (1847-1912) based the title character of his 1897 novel Dracula on an actual
human being. In this information that I have gathered prior to our journey to Romania, I have found
it important to delve through the imaginary in order to keep to the truth, the facts instead of the
fiction. This has not been easy; the amount of vampire lore which has entered our culture since
Dracula was first published in 1897 is vast and varied.
(Note: concentrate on Vlad, his origins, his life, his death...or un-death as the case may be. You can
add other things as you go a long from then up to present day. Don’t get bogged down in the details!
Even without reading Stoker's novel, or seeing the stage play which came after, you’ve probably seen
some of the many films based on his character. Some of the most important cinematic adaptations
(Note: find and add clips accordingly.)
F.W. Murnau's 1922 masterpiece "Nosferatu", which was loosely based on Dracula but subjected to
a "makeover" for copyright reasons.
Todd Browning's "Dracula", starring Bela Lugosi, a Romanian actor who had previously incarnated
the titular character on the stage, and would forever be remembered, and unfortunately typecast as
The British Hammer Films releases of the 70s, starring Christopher Lee as a sexier, and far more
violent vampire.
One of the most interesting modern films, although flawed adaptation, of Dracula was Francis
Ford Coppola's 1992 release, "Bram Stoker's Dracula". Coppola's version was noteworthy only for
its inclusion of the "Order of the Dracul", which cleverly interwove the fictional vampire with the
historical figure.
(Note: Stoker's vampire is nowhere near as threatening, nor as sadistic as the inspiration of the
character, Vlad the Impaler. Stoker's Dracula is a mysterious and sensual character who kills
and feeds to survive. Any reference to evil in Dracula can be reasoned away by his actions being
instinctual to his survival.
Vlad the Impaler, on the other hand, killed to revel in his own power, for the sheer pleasure of seeing
the suffering of his numerous victims).
(Note: collect a list of his life, loves, enemies, and infamous deeds as accurately as possible from the
available documentation.)
Vlad the Impaler could be blamed for more rivers of blood to flow than any other tyrant in the history
of the world. There are many versions of Vlad the Impaler's life story that its difficult to distinguish
fact from fiction. Cross referencing each and every detail is essential to finding the most truthful
portrait of a man that has inspired fear in each and every generation since his reign. I want to learn
how Vlad Dracula came to be known as "the Impaler”
I pushed back from the computer desk, my eyes hurting from the strain of staring at the computer
screen for so long. Frustration was building quickly and going over the beginnings of Bella’s research
wasn’t helping any. All it was doing was making sure the pain of her disappearance was poignant
and strong. I needed to push forward, needed to read the later entries. I am the lead Detective
on Bella’s case; my many contacts within the department and in strategic positions within the local
government meant that I was able to bend the rules and allowed me to lead the case even though it
is extremely personal to me.
Still, I had never felt so frustrated and impotent. She was my life and she had changed without me
knowing how or why. She never talked about what had happened in Romania; not since the first
panicked phone call I received a week after they got there. It was the same night that Angela went
missing, only to be found later mutilated and drained of blood.
“Jasper! Jasper, oh God” my heart jumped into my chest when I heard her panicked and tear
strained voice, she dissolved into wrenching sobs.
I sat up straighter in the chair, wracked with worry; I'd never heard Bella like this before, “Bella?
What’s wrong? Talk to me, tell me what I can do?”
“Fuck, she’s dead, Jasper. She’s dead.” She choked out before the crying took over again.
In my line of work, death was part and parcel of the job. But this was way too personal and there
was nothing worse that hearing Bella crying like this when she was too far away for me to help her.
“Darlin’, who is dead?” I asked as carefully as I could.
“Jessica, Jessica’s dead. She didn’t come back to the hotel last night after she was interviewing one
of the locals. I found her...” She trailed off; her sobs nothing but rasps now and hiccups as she tried
to control herself. She found her?
“Darlin’, I'm coming right now. I’ll be on the next flight over there, ok?”
“No, we’re coming back. We have to stay here for a couple of days while the authorities here...while
they try to...fuck. Jasper her throat! There was so much blood! The police think we might be being
targeted because of our project.”
Well that didn’t make sense, “Why would they say that?” Keep her on the facts, Bella works best with
“Her blood, it was drained. Completely, there was some blood at the scene, but none in her
body...not a trace.”
That had been just the start of it. Not an hour later, Angela went missing and was never recovered.
No one saw a thing. They were all under guard and yet whoever it was that was plaguing them
managed to get through the men assigned to protect them. Bella’s phone calls became frantic; it
was obvious that she was scared. She became understandably paranoid and began to mention that
someone was after her, that they would speak to her. She wouldn’t let me fly out to them.
Jake went missing on the same night that Tyler ran out of the hotel saying that he has seen Angela.
While Jake was attacked outside of the hotel and then just seemed to disappear, Tyler was found
minutes later, bleeding out from a wound on his neck and died at the scene. Again, no one had seen
Bella was a mess and it was arranged that they would leave the next morning at first light. Her and
Mike slept in the same room that night, with guards posted at the door as well as in and around the
hotel. They burst into the room at one AM, after hearing Bella’s screams. They found her alone
and covered in blood, staring and screaming at the window. Mike, as well as two of the guards, was
found soon after. All had died of massive blood loss from throat wounds.
Bella had to be sedated.
She flew home as soon as the meds wore off, refusing to wait for another night to come. I met
her at the airport, hardly recognising her. She was haggard, pale and scared of her own shadow.
She refused to sleep with me, insisted on Religious paraphernalia all around the house, as well as
garlands of garlic and even silver bullets in a gun that she had been given by one of the locals.
Excerpt from the diary of Isabella Swan; Day 9
I don’t...I don’t know what to say. Everything is so surreal. Jessica and Tyler are dead, Angela and
Jake are missing. No one saw anything, no one knows. It’s like a plague in this village, every single
one of the natives have backed away from us now, they avoid us. There are some that stare at me
with a look that I do not like. And I hear...whispers. In my mind, in my sleep. He talks to me, croons,
seduces. I'm so confused. Nothing seems real. I barely feel anymore, it must be shock.
The legends seem to be coming true. The more we delved into Vlad’s life, the more things seem to
be real. It all started after our dinner at the castle, the Prince had been so welcoming and attentive.
Could it be? Should I be wearing a cross and putting up garlic around my room?
Day 10
They’re gone, all of them, all of them gone. I saw him, I saw him. He took Mike, just took him.
Jacob...oh God, my good and sweet Jacob was all...wrong. Full of darkness and not in control. He
was mean and evil and he ate Mike. And the Prince, he was there, whispering to me, beckoning.
But I couldn’t go. I wanted to. God help me but I wanted to. He got so mad, he ripped Mikes throat
out before throwing him to Jacob like a bone to a dog. Jake licked the blood, taking a bite before
jumping out of the window with Mike just dangling in his arms.
The howl sounded as soon as he was out of sight. I had read somewhere the Dracula was supposed
to have dominion over wolves, that werewolves were bound to him. Are the Quillette legends true?
Has Jake been changed? This can’t be, it can’t be true. It can’t. It just can’t!
The prince...the prince said that he would be back for me and I screamed. I just screamed. And I
couldn’t stop.
Day 1 after returning home.
I came home and he’s still with me, he followed me, in my dreams I see him. I'm so scared, I can’t
talk to anyone. Everyone keeps asking me questions and Jasper...oh Jasper is so lost. I push him
away, I have to. I have to keep him safe.
Day 3, after returning home.
The legends have to be true, he’s coming. I keep writing, keep trying to find something that protects
me from him. I have garlic around the house, at the windows, mountain ash is everywhere. Holy
water...crucifixes, anything to keep him away. But my resolve is weakening, he comes. Closer and
closer, his voice is getting louder in my head. I don’t think I will be able to resist him if he asks me to
rid the house of everything that might harm him.
I did it. I moved the holy items and other crap from my office window.
He’s here.
It was that last entry that squeezed my heart. She had let him in, whatever she believed was
happening at the time, she had let him into the house and allowed him to take her. I was lost.
Excerpt from Crime Scene Report: Isabella Marie Swan.
Detective Whitlock reports that the window was open on his arrival in the room. There are signs
of a struggle; the computer lamp was knocked over and on the floor. A bottle of water was found
smashed near the window. Garlic, bundles of wood and crucifixes were also on the scene; piled and
shoved away from the window.
There was minimal blood splatter across the computer screen and desk. The pattern denotes an
arterial bleed and that the victim was standing at the time. It should be noted that there was not
enough blood at the scene to uphold the theory of an arterial wound.
No evidence or finger prints belonging to anyone other than the victim and Detective Whitlock were
found on the scene.
I threw the crime scene report away; there was nothing useful in there. I went back to the
computer, opening up Bella’s last entry into her research, hoping to find something that would point
me in the right direction. Something other than circumstance that would allow me to question this
Prince that she speaks of. There has to be something. But there was hardly anything, just a small
Excerpt from Isabella Swan’s Research Notes: End notes
Everything that I have found says that on 26 November 1476, the High Council decided Vlad was to
be enthroned. Vlad began preparations for the re-conquest of Wallachia and in 1476, with Hungarian
support, invaded the country. Vlad’s third reign lasted little more than two months when he was
killed on the battlefield against the Ottomans near Bucharest in 1476.
He was taken back to Wallachia and buried. In the early 1900's Vlad was unburied for research.
The researchers found nothing. Remains were found around his grave, and were thought to be the
prince's remains. But it was never proven. He was reburied and then left. When another dig took
place years later, his grave was found destroyed and no remains were found. The other theory is that
Vlad is buried at Snagov, an island monastery located near Bucharest.
There were more notes, various passages on vampire lore. I read only the highlighted passages.
Bella was trying to protect herself.
Legend usually states that a wooden stake through a vampire's heart will kill it. In some versions the
vampire needs to be dormant for this to work. The stake may need to be a certain type of wood, such
as hawthorn.
Vampires usually cannot tolerate sunlight or fire.
Some legends have vampires warded off by crucifixes, holy water, or garlic.
Vampires may not be able to cross moving water.
Some legends say that a vampire cannot enter a building or a room without first being asked.
(Note: is this true? Does this not include hotels and such? Research mind control and defences)
Some legends say that vampires dislike the sound of bells ringing, especially church bells.
Bella had also collected many different papers about werewolves and their relationship with Dracula
or Vlad or whoever the hell he is supposed to be. I am a rational man; I don’t believe in shit like that,
it simply isn’t possible. But from what I could gather, Bella was sure that Jake had been taken by a
“It’s all fucking superstition!” I shouted, too tired and too damn angry to carry on looking at this shit.
It couldn’t be true. Any of it, it’s all legends and myths and tales. Not true. Bella wasn’t taken by
a vampire, by Dracula of all fucking people. Vlad the Imapler was a sick son of a bitch, but he died
hundreds of years ago and not in the un-dead way that Bella was theorising. Whatever happened
over there was down to some sick son of a bitch and caused Bella to have a mental break. Jake was
dead, he had been mauled and dragged off by a wolf. She was obviously unable to accept that fact.
There are no cape wearing, fang toting, blood drinking fucking vampires.
“It’s Bullshit!” I shouted, slamming my hand on the desk before standing, running my hands through
my hair and fighting back the tears. I needed her; I needed Bella here with me.
Her diary said that she went willingly, that she let him in. How is that even possible?! But there
had been a struggle. Had she changed her mind at the last second? Did he force her? I felt sick at
the thought and collapsed on the floor, my head in my hands, hands pulling at my hair. How was I
supposed to go on without her?
A cold breezed shocked me, the window had been shut tight since the night Bella had been taken.
I stood, slowly and began to shake. Hoping. I turned my head towards the window, horror movie
slow, and gasped at the sight, my brain not making sense of it at first.
There was only one thing on my mind, one word and I whispered it reverently and completely
without fear.
Edward's Chipper's Special Halloween Tribute:
Clowns. They’re supposed to be happy and a laugh riot. They’re supposed to keep your
kids from begging for junk every five minutes at the circus, juggle shit, and keep the
companies that make face paint in business (next to Hollywood).
Some of you may even know of my COMPLETE and utter HATRED of clowns. Some
of you even like to torture me with said knowledge. (Ahem, @darkNnerdy) I make it a
mission to avoid them at all costs. I give you proof that this happy clown bullshit is just a
propaganda mindfuck gone bad.
For example, we have this:
The stupidass clown from Poltergeist
I mean, what kid sleeps with a gigantoid cloud staring at him from a chair at the foot of
his bed? MotherfuckinDUH!!!
Oh, and then we have this one:
Pennywise from Stephen King’s It.
Yeah, I see that on the street, my ass is running so fast in the other direction, I’m like a
vampire blurrrrr.
Then, there’s this one:
Rapey the Clown
Rapey the Clown was found by none other that The Whitlock Harem’s own
@HammerHips, named ever so fondly by @catonspeed, and is used vicariously by
@darkNnerdy to
Ahem. *takes deep breaths* Now, you’re probably saying, but what does scaryass,
murdering, possibly rapist clowns have to do with the price of beans in Omaha? Or this
post? Well, my DT lovers, I give you….
Yeah. Gacy was serial killer who committed the rape and murder of 33 teenage boys and
young men between 1972 and 1978 in his Chicago home. Twenty-six of Gacy's victims
were buried in the crawlspace of his home, three others elsewhere on his property and
four victims were discarded in a nearby river. (Wikipedia)
Wait for it….
Because Gacy’s nickname was….
The “Killer Clown”
GAAAAAAAAAH! *seriously can’t believe she’s writing this*
Whyyyy was he called the Killer Clown? Because the murderinpsychoass dressed up
as “Pogo the CLOWN” for charity at fundraising events, parades and children's parties!
Good ole Pogo, the serialkillin, secretstalker of Dorothy, Clown.
Ohhhh, but that’s not all. Not ONLY did the sick mother DRESS-UP and play all nicey-
nice at democratic fundraisers, for kids in the hospital, hell probably half of the kids in
Chicago at the time, BUUUUUT…
The ratfuck also had some Picasso-esque delusion that he could…
and this
don’t know about you folks, but that is some seriously twisted shit when you start fuckin
with the seven dwarfs. J/s. I’m assuming I don’t even have to comment on the one on
the right.
Sometimes = Serial Killers.
All the time = Scaryassshit
Worse than Jason, Michael Myers, and Freddie all rolled into one. Frightening cuz
occasionally they’re some really fucked-up psychos behind all of the face paint.
*EdwardsChipper apologizes to anyone whose significant other, family member, or close
personal friend(s) is currently employed in this profession.
Jasper's Sex Kitten's Special Halloween Tribute:
Enter my play ground at your own risk... -whispers- you have been warned...
Kitten here; I'm going to let you all in on a little secret.... I have an obsession with Halloween, Urban Legends, Horror movies, Stephen King, Serial killers and their fucked up minds.
When Izzy asked the group what they wanted to do for Halloween... the light bulb went off. *snickers* That doesn't happen much... We are going to give you a look into what we like. Albeit, it may not be your cup of tea, it is ours.
Okay, so maybe y'all have figured out I'm a bit twisted so this doesn't surprise you. But then again so are my fellow Temptresses. We are all a great fit, no matter what we are a dark family. Look at it as a look into the unknown of the Darkest Temptations, Temptresses.
When the worlds collide, fate intervenes and we all learn the price of life...
We all have those thoughts in the back of our heads when we hear the words “Horror” and “Halloween” of ghosts, goblins and vampires. But the monsters of the real world and the fictional wold have been known to collide. If you take the time to do the research you'd find that there are many cases of actual facts real life events being used in them.
Take one of my favorite movies... The Amittyville Horror. This movie is based off of real life events that happened.
In December 1975, George and Kathleen Lutz and their three children moved into 112 Ocean Avenue, a large house in Amityville, a suburban neighborhood located on the south shore of Long Island, New York. Thirteen months before the Lutz's moved in, Ronald DeFeo, Jr had shot and killed six members of his family at the house. After 28 days, the Lutz's left the house, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal phenomena while living there.

The loss of life as this family knows it is enough to make your skin crawl, but to know they live with the horror of it everyday is enough to make even me, the horror queen, jumpy. It just goes to show you... you really never know what you're gonna get.
A good example of that is summer camp. We all know about summer camps, fire side stories and ghost stories. Did you know just because its a story doesn't mean its not based off of something real. Take the movies Friday the 13th. You have summer camp, legends of counselors being killed by a sick and deranged mother and isolation. Complete fiction but it gives you a good set of goosebumps. Or someone that can kill you in your sleep like Freddy Kruger. The list of boogeymen is a mile long and a mile wide.
Then you move on into the things that really go bump in the night, Serial Killers. The ordinary people around you. The ones you'd least expect. We all know their names if nothing else. Their names send a shiver down your spine. They make you think twice before getting in or out of your car in the dark.
This is where my true passion lies. I really can’t understand at times what makes these seemingly normal people snap. Its a little known fact that most Serial killers are men. Don't get me wrong the woman are out there to but with the exception of a few most woman serial murders/killers use poison. The very first document female serial killer used rat poison in her husbands soup.
Now, I'm going to share with you one of my favorite mysteries. It's not really a mystery per-say but its still unsolved so there in lies your mystery.
The Zodiac Killer is one of the great unsolved serial killer mysteries of all time, taking only second place to Jack the Ripper. Even though police investigated over 2,500 potential suspects, the case was never officially solved. There were a few suspects that stood out, but the forensic technology of the times was not advanced enough to nail any one of them conclusively.
In October, 1966 a ghoulish series of murders began that panicked the people of the San Francisco area. For years the Zodiac taunted the police with weird ciphers, phone calls, insulting and cryptic messages. Before it was all over, this clever and diabolical killer changed the lives of eight people, only two of whom lived to tell the tale.
The taunting of himself to the populations around California came in the form of letters. Cryptic as they were they each told a story. On Friday, August 1, 1969, the first known Zodiac letters were received by three newspapers. The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Chronicle and Vallejo Times-Herald each received an almost identical letter written by a person who took credit for the attacks on the four teens. He also gave details about the murders and included one-third of a mysterious cipher in each letter.
The self-proclaimed killer demanded that the three letters be published on the front page of each newspaper by that Friday afternoon or he would go on a rampage and randomly kill a dozen people over the weekend. The letters were signed with a crossed-circle symbol.
The letters were published and efforts to untangle the messages in the ciphers began by authorities and citizens. Police investigators stated publicly that they had doubts as to the authenticity of the letters in an attempt to get the killer to contact them again. The plan worked and on August 4 another letter arrived at the San Francisco Examiner.
The letter began with the words that have since haunted many involved in the case:
Dear Editor This is the Zodiac speaking...
It was the first time the killer used the name Zodiac. In the letter the Zodiac included information which proved he was present during the murders and a message that his identity was hidden inside the ciphers.
On August 8, 1969 a high school teacher and his wife cracked the 408-symbol cipher. The last 18 letters could not be decoded. The message read:
Every letter received from the Zodiac killer ended the same way. A simple signature that was his and his alone. Which only added to the illusions to the mysteriousness of this crazed killer.

Now what does the Zodiac have in common with other serial killers... okay besides the obvious. The suspect in the murders was an average, seemingly normal person. You know the saying you cant judge a book by its cover... I say well no shit. The outside doesn't always match the inside and the flip side to that is the inside inst always as demented as the outside looks either. Don't get me wrong there are many creepy looking fuckers out and about, who when you talk to them are the nicest people ever.
The lack of sanity involved in theses acts of murder and mayhem is mind boggling to me. Case in point; Gary Ridgeway or as most know him, the Green river Killer. That case was unsolved for many years until a DNA match was made. His victims were mainly prostitutes and runaways. The ones no one would miss... The first victim was found by a fisherman in the Green River. He murdered a confirmed 48 women/girls between 1982-1998. As far as the numbers go he could have killed up to 90 or more total in the years be fore his conviction.
This is just a way to show you there is no way to know what anyone is capable of. The reasons a person can snap are many. Some people snap due to abuse, drugs, the voices tell them to do it and then you just have some sick fucks who like to just do it to torture people. This is where the movie industry, the book writers and the “copy cats” get their pay-dirt from. With every dollar the movie industries make, for every page of a book written and every life a copy cat takes a new horror or memory is made.

These are what our fears are based off of. They give births to Urban Legends and a mysteriousness people like me live for. The weirder, the creepier the better. Many Urban Legends have many variations but I look at it this way. It wasn't something that just happened. It had to start somewhere. It has to mean something.
The term “urban legend,” as used by folklorists, has appeared in print since at least 1968, has inflicted fear in many people for many years. Case-in-point; The Killer in the backseat...
The legend involves a woman driving and being followed by a strange car or truck. The mysterious pursuer flashes his high beams, tailgates her, and sometimes even rams her vehicle. When she finally makes it home, she realizes that the driver was trying to warn her that there was a man (a murderer, rapist, or escaped mental patient) hiding in her back seat. Each time the man sat up to attack her, the driver behind had used his high beams to scare the killer.
In some versions the woman stops for gas, and the attendant asks her to come inside to sort out a problem with her credit card. Inside the station, he asks if she knows there's a man in her back seat. In another she hits something, stops, and then the man gets in the back.
The story is often told with a moral. The attendant is often a lumberjack, a trucker, or a scary-looking man; someone the driver mistrusts without reason. She assumes it is the attendant who wants to do her harm, when in reality it is he who saves her life.
An Urban Legend that scared the crap out of me when I was younger. Its also the reason, no matter the time, weather or who I'm with.. before I get in any vehicle I check the back seat. -Laughs- No Shit!
Then you have the one about drinking soda and pop-rocks. Okay just to note this I have done it... I am alive and well they will not make your stomach explode. HOWEVER, they will make you have to swallow fast. -That sounded so wrong-
There is the one about the man calling the babysitter from inside the house. This one here again has to come from some event
A teenage girl is babysitting one evening. The children have been put to bed and the babysitter is in the living room watching TV. The phone rings, and she hears either silence, a man laughing, or heavy breathing. A man asks her to “check the children”. When she asks who he is, he hangs up. Rather than checking on the children, the teenager decides to ignore the call. The stranger calls back several times, each time angrier.
Eventually the girl calls the police, who ask her to wait for the man to call again, and they will trace the call. When he calls again, she manages to keep him talking, for a few minutes, and when the police call back, they tell her that the call is coming from a second line, inside the house, and to get out immediately, as they have already sent some officers over.
As she runs to the door, she sees a man, with a bloody axe, running down the stairs, and she just manages to avoid his blow. She runs outside, into the waiting arms of police, who quickly kill the man.
But even this one has a few variations. Then you have ones like: the Vanishing Hitchhiker, the Bunny Man, the Hook, Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light? And my favorite... Bloody Mary... I'm gonna put it out there.. I've done it and again.. I'm still here. It was scary as shit to do, don't get me wrong but I did it anyway.
Now the list of Urban Legends go on for miles. Some of the most known are the ones that no matter what you will be reminded everyday of. They are a never ending “horror” in some peoples eyes.

Then you have what I call my true desires... Horror movies. Just to solidify my nuttiness I watch and read as much horror as I can. If its scary, freaky, bloody, and just awesome. There are so many good ones but there are many GREAT ones. The ones that when you watch them you get the chills. The ones that make your heart race and have you yelling at the TV. If it doesn't do that to you it doesn't mean its not a good one just means everyone takes them different. Take me... It truly takes a lot for a movie to “scare” me or to even give me the creeps.
The very first “Horror” movie I ever saw was The Exorcist, the one and only. The original. I did fantastic until Linda Blair's characters head started spinning. I screamed and cried and had nightmares for weeks.
A few years ago I asked my mom, who is a chicken when it comes to horror why she watched that movie, and why in the hell did she let a five year old watch it. Her response... “I like it and as for you. You're a stubborn ass and would've snuck into see it anyway so I let you. You also learned a lesson. Next time I told you, you couldn't watch a movie you didn't argue with me.”
My momma knows me so well. -Laughs- But she is right. I refuse ever since that movie to let one scare or freak me out. Its built into our brains that if it says horror it has to scare the life out of us. That's not the case. Its the purpose and what the movie makers want but you have the control on the scared part. Horror is a wide genre.
The number of movies in the genre of Horror are all their own kind of horror. You have movies like The Omen, The Blob, Poltergeist, Rose Mary's Baby, Invasion of the body snatchers, Child's Play, Dolls, Puppet Master, The curse of Frankenstein... that are great movies but not what I consider scary. But they keep your attention and they keep you entertained. Now I do know some people even a couple of the Temptresses that have issues with a few of these, as in the scare factor but each individual acts different to different things.
Then you get into the more advanced horror movies... Like A Nightmare on Elm Street, House on Haunted Hill, The Ring, The Candyman, The Mothman prophecy, The Prophecy, Stay Alive, The Ring, Jeepers Creepers. Any movie dealing with Ghosts, Demons and the supernatural.
Then you have the ones that make you want to turn the lights back on. An American Haunting, Friday the 13th, Saw, Hostel, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Wrong Turn, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek, and The Hills have Eyes.
I name the last group the scare the shit out of you group because a couple of them are based off of actual events. Or part of the characteristics of the story line are. Take the Texas Chainsaw Massacre's leather face character for example. As Izzy noted above this character is based off the serial Killer Ed Gein. He murdered woman and skinned them and wore their skin. -shudders- Then you have Wolf Creek, an Australian based movie that is based on a true story. An American Haunting is based off of actual events as is the Exorcism of Emily Rose.
And I'm no fool the movies Hostel, Wrong Turn, the Hills have Eyes and Saw... let me just say this... I know I am not the only person to have these thoughts either... these ideas came from somewhere. All I can say is I believe anything can happen at anytime so I am a cautious biotch. -Just Saying-

As for Horror Book Series there is only one for me... Stephen King. I own and have read every book he has under his name and under his Sir name. He is my idol and that so explains a few things... -laughs-
So my final thoughts... there is one Urban Legend/Movie/Book or story out there that no matter what will forever scare the shit out of everyone of us. It could be a simple movie like Candyman or a complex one like the Exorcist. So before you judge the book by the cover keep in mind you never really know what is behind the cover and if you open that book be careful it doesn't bite.
Happy Halloween.... Kitten Out!

Cullen818's Special Halloween Tribute:
So, when my fellow Dark cohorts decided to put together a Halloween post and feature something scary, I had trouble deciding who I wanted to focus on. There were so many possibilities. Did I want to do an Urban Legend (the one about the teens hitting the guy and then leaving him on the side of the road always comes to mind)? Did I want to write about a serial killer (Charles Manson immediately popped into my cluttered head which may or may not speak volumes about me)? But, when I really thought about it, I decided that I should write about a fictional character who represents Halloween. This stems back from my own childhood. I'd watch ever slasher film out there. I may have even had a poster of Freddie Kruger hanging on my bedroom wall at some point. My mother didn't know where to put herself over that one.
Now, I may be showing my age when I start to talk about this character. I think I'm considered an "elder" in that Fandom which is really a nice way of saying I'm old! lol I will tell you that I was too young to watch this movie when it debuted in 1978, but by the time I was ready to babysit it was already an icon and had become a Teen Slasher staple. It was in a line up of movies that had to be watched at every slumber party.
Cue the scary music...
Halloween featuring the escaped lunatic Michael Myers was enough to have every teenage girl locking doors, looking over her shoulder and turning down babysitting jobs in houses that were secluded and dark. I hated when the phone rang while I was babysitting (but, that's just a whole other scary movie).
Michael Myers made his first appearance in the original 1978 film, Halloween, although the masked character is credited as "The Shape". In the beginning of the film, a six-year old Michael murders his older sister Judith on Halloween. Fifteen years later, Michael escapes Smith's Grove Sanitarium and returns to his hometown of Haddonfield, Illinois. He stalks teenage babysitter Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) on Halloween, while his psychiatrist Dr. Sam Loomis attempts to track him down. Murdering her friends, Michael finally attacks Laurie, but she manages to escape him long enough for Loomis to save her. Loomis shoots Michael six times in the chest, causing Michael to fall over the house's second-story balcony ledge; when Loomis goes to check Michael's body, he finds it missing.Michael returns in the sequel, Halloween II (1981).
John Carpenter's Halloween not only launched the career of "Scream Queen" Jamie Lee Curtis, but paved the way for the likes of Jason, Freddie, Chucky and every other knife wielding maniac to ever light up the Silver Screen. It even helped create the success of spoof films like The Scream Trilogy and Scary Movie. Teen slashers were a must see attraction in the 80's and 90's.What is it with the fascination of people watching a crazed psychopath running around chasing young virgins up the stairs? It gets your heart pumping and your lungs working. Watching a good horror film is like riding a spectacular roller coaster. Its the anticipation of what's coming next. Oh, and it doesn't have the same effect when you press mute. You need the spine chilling music!
Well, now that I'm an adult, I know better and these films just don't hold the same allure for me. Maybe its because I've realized RL is scary enough or they just don't make them like they used to. Now, my time is filled with an animal drinking coven of vampres. Hmm...how far have I really come?
Happy Halloween!
Jasper's Izzy's Special Halloween Tribute:
The Legend of Leather fa
Please be advised that my post is graphics in nature. The following pics were taken from actual crimes scenes.
We all know the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's a fun little tale of a bunch of crazy people selling BBQ with their disfigured son. They didn't put up with anyone picking on their family, so when mean people came to town, the “ran” them out. (snickers)
(looks like some of my inlaws)
Actually being run out of town by the Hewitt family would be a treat compared to what really happened. More like being invited to dinner, except for you are dinner. Well, at least carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey; by a chainsaw.
Scared yet? Of course not. You know why? It's not real; or is it? We've been led to believe by Hollywood that the horror that occurred on the big screen is just a twisted tale to scare the shit out of us during Halloween or other creepy nights of the year, but what causes someone to think up this sort of macabre and gore?
Well, there is a true story behind the fictional movie, one that might scare you a little more than cuddling with your loved on in the dark in front of a flat screen in the living room. The story of Ed Gein, the main who inspired such horror tales such as The Texas chainsaw Massacre, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, and even Norman Bates from Psycho.
Ed Gein was born in LaCrosse, Wisconsin in 1906 to a deeply religious mother and an alcoholic father. His mother was quite whack herself, with her dominant personality and raving on of sexual pleasure being wicked and sinful. We can understand this way of thinking in that day in time. Things were different back then, but the picture we're painted of his mother is not the normal religious attitude of the time. We can quite possibly attribute her ways for spawning such an evil man.
It is believe that after Ed's father died, his brother Henry tried to rebel against his beloved mother's ways, and was killed in a mysterious brush fire. Although the cause of death was labeled as asphyxiation (suffocation), there was evidence of blunt force trauma to his head. Hmm, that's interesting.
(The Gein Home)
Some believe that Ed is the one responsible for his brother's death; labeling him the first of his victims. We of course, will never know for sure, but after what was found on the farmhouse property in the 1950's, it made them wonder.
After his mother's death, shortly after his brother, (caused by a series of strokes unrelated to the madman), he isolated himself, sealing off all but two rooms of the farmhouse. He became obsessed with strange cultures, particularly those who practiced “magic” to produce shrunken heads and strange bodily rituals. Creeeeeppppeeeee! He would study the human experiments that were practiced in Nazi camps.
When his sexual fantasies started to involve human dismemberment, he would reach sexual gratification, resulting in these fantasies slowly turning into a reality. In other words, this dude was one sick fuck.
Ed, or Eddie as the town folk called him, soon began grave robbing with a friends help (Gus, another loner in the town); stealing fresh bodies for his own sick and twisted pleasure. He used the bodies to perform strange and gruesome experiments of his own, which included such things as cannibalism and even necrophilia. Dude had issues.
These obsessive fantasies centralized over his desire to be a woman. He would take body parts from the corpses and make items such as breasts or masks to make himself appear as if he was the opposite gender. These bodies however were, apparently, not enough. He wanted to achieve the ultimate sex change, and believed he needed “fresher” bodies in order to accomplish this. Thus began his own killing spree.
There are two known killings of Ed Gein, both woman killed by gunshot, but the police officials suspect more from between 1945 and 1954. The first known victim was named Mary Hogan. She was shot in her tavern and carried home by Gein. Her body was never found, although he eventually confessed to killing her.
The second was Bernice Worden. She owned the local hardware store, and was also shot and taken home by Gein. Her son, a deputy sheriff, came home from a hunting trip to find blood everywhere, but not his mother. After finding a receipt for antifreeze, something Gein had said he would be back to purchase the day before, they took to investigating him.
When his home was finally searched, Worden's body was found hanging nude, upside-down in a shed with her head removed. She had been completely gutted. Her own son had to find that. (shakes head in horror)
Later the officials searched Gein's property and made grisly discoveries.
Lampshades made of human skin.
Furniture made with the remains of humans.
A suit made of female skin to replicate a woman. It was even complete with breasts.
A necklace made of human lips.
Bowls made of human skulls.
A box of vulva's (the woman's' sweet spot if you're wondering), one of which was his mother's (stolen from the grave) and painted silver.
Bernice Warden's body was discovered in a shed. These are the pictures from the crime scene along with her preserved severed head:
I'm scarred for life. Eventually it was determined the body parts found on Gein's farm belonged to 13 different woman, although only two were identified.
Gein was put away in the Waupun State Hospital for the duration of his life, after being found not guilty by reason of insanity. He later died at the age of 78 from cancer. The home where the horrible crimes too place was eventually burned to the ground by the citizens of the town.
Ed Gein was one of, if not the most, sadistic serial killers of American history. His sick and twisted sexual fantasies of wanting to become a woman, paired with his obsession of the human body and it's inner workings, (not to mention his mother's raving lunacy) formed an unimaginable real life tale of horror.
So, when we watch these fun, scary movies, keep in mind that they aren't always as untrue as we want them to believe. Leather face himself might not be real, but the grisly tale does exist in it's own way. We've just taken a true life horror story and altered him into something as equally frightening.
Scared now? You should be. Ed Gein's protege just might be living next door.
I love what you did you did to this blog I am in love with just this blog I come here everyday and see what kind of ff is on here and I am glad someone actually did this darker twilight is better then regular ff at times it makes you have the out look of twilight of what should of been at times. Anyway Happy late Halloween
ReplyDeletePs. I am now Officially freaked out with the pictures and just the chainsaw thing *shiver* I tried emailing this it seems it will not work so I will just leave little comments. :)
- Jazz Dawn
We are so happy to hear that. We work hard on this little piece of goodness we call home. Your comments mean a lot to us.
ReplyDeleteWe're also thrilled we could freak you out a bit with our post. *grins* We try our best. lol
Thanks for your beautiful words. It lets us know we are doing something right.
Happy Halloween indeed!