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Tuesday, August 16

Izzy Recs Demons by See Them Fly

Hello my Darklings! 

I have an amazing fic for you today. This story, as of yet, is not as dark as I usually go with, but something tells me it will end on the darker side before we are done. I could label this as a Darkisle, but we're not far enough into this story to really tell, so it's going up as a Dark Side Rec... for now. 

Now, moving along.  Today I give you...


Summary: Everyone has their own demons. When Bella wakes up next to her ex-boyfriend's brother, both are forced to confront their demons from five years ago in order to move into the future. All human. OOC. Rated M.

This fic is amazing! 

I feel like I could stop right there and it be enough, because that literally sums  it up. However, being the wordy bitch that I am, I have an all consuming need to tell you more. I am a SUCKER for an All-Human Jasper fic. Vamp fics nowadays all tend to be the same old thing when we're dealing with Jasper, so I'm on an AH J/B kick. It's hard to find well-written and intriguing fics with this premise, but this story is owning me right now. 

We start out by having Bella wake up after a drunken night of passion, only to find she is lying beside the last person she needed to be with. It's actually in these first few lines that drew me in and had my instantly hooked. 

I don't remember much about how I lost my virginity. I guess, in a way, that's the best way to do it; no memory, no anxiety, no worries. The whole awkward episode is over and you don't have to remember all the grimy little details of how you stumbled over the button of your jeans and knocked your head against the headboard. In fact, the only thing I remember with clarity is that my roommate dragged me to a club to celebrate the New Year, against my will, and dressed me in a shirt that could barely be classed as a bra, let alone decent outerwear. In a way, it is the best way to do it.

Well, that is as long as you wake up next to someone who isn't your ex-boyfriend's brother.
Gah! That kills me. 

At first, Bella doesn't remember much from the night before, but eventually her memories start to resurface through the haze of alcohol to realize that she's given her ex-boyfriend's stepbrother her virginity. Queue Jasper, who is just as "Oh, fuck!" about this as Bella.

The more she remembers, the more she realizes it was everything she had ever hoped it to be; passionate, good, right. But, not with the brother of the man who hurt you beyond reason. And no, we're not talking about your typical Edward leaving Bella or moving on type of situation here. It's something bigger than that, and I'll explain in a minute. 

Back to this one night stand, or is it?

The morning after, when most people in their situation would be running for the hills - never to speak of this again -  they somehow come to a decision that will change everything for them both.

"It's just sex," he added. "It means shit. We don't even have to play host. It's just sex."
"Just sex," I repeated as his thumbs did their dance across my virgin skin, resisting the urge to buck my hips. "Just sex."
"No strings attached," he added.
Mindlessly, I nodded, lost in the feeling of his skin on mine and that electric current that shot up my spine every time he touched me in that way.
"No strings attached," I repeated. "I can deal with that."

Hey, if I was Bella, I'd do it, too. Mmmhmm. The lemons in this story are sexy and just... unf. Bella and Jasper might not be the best at dealing with each other with their clothes on, but when they come off, they have no problems connecting. It's like they were meant to be with each other in this way. I know, that sounds cheesy, but I shit you not, it's that good. 

So, now that they've decided to become "fuck buddies", we start delving into other things. What happened between her and Edward? What did it have to do with Charlie? And why does Jasper stay away from the Cullens? 

There is some really heavy shit going on in this fic, and we are led to believe that it revolves around Carlisle and Charlie. This is why I believe this story deserves the title of "Dark". Carlisle is a sum'bitch. Simply put. If you want to know why or how, you'll have to read it. I will say, that I've never wanted to punch him more than I did while reading his interactions with Jasper. Dude has issues, that's all I'm saying. 

Whatever this is that happened between the Cullens and Charlie, leads me to believe it is FUBAR, and I have a feeling it's going to be bad. There is a very foreboding undertone in some parts of this story, especially when Carlisle shows up, that give it a very dark feel. 

While we're given hints along the way as to what might have happened, we are also seeing this thing - whatever it is between Jasper and Bella - grow and turn obviously complicated. There are feelings there, and no I'm not saying these two are in love, because right now, they're not. But there are other things. Confusion, lust, and dare I even say a little jealousy swirling between these two to create a fantastic mix of angst. 

They have a dark history that connects them by association, and that, in itself, is what causes most of the friction between these two. It's done so beautifully, and as of now, there is not unnecessary angst thrown in. Just demons from their past that are bringing them both down while trying to deal with their new situation. 

I promise you that you will not be disappointed in reading this fic. I've barely touched the surface with the things going on here, and there is so much left for you to explore throughout the story. We're seven chapters in so far, and there are so many questions going through my head. The Jasper/Bella dynamic, each of their individual demons (which I believe this fic is rightly named by the way), the Cullen mystery and also what happened to Charlie? 

I literally bounce every time I find an update in my inbox for this story, and I hope you will run over and give it a chance. It is a very under appreciated fic and I hope that she picks up more readers, and reviews, for her work here. She deserves it, and she's also a complete sweetheart. 

Now go, read and leave her some love. Tell her Izzy sent you, and how amazing this story is. 

1 comment:

  1. willing to give it a shot. Love me some Jasper. Thanks for the rec.
