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Thursday, April 15

Dark Authors Week Presents: Jezebel Whitlock

Again, I am so excited to get a chance to interview one of my favorite Authors, Jezebel Whitlock. Her story Chances, is one of my all time favorite Darksper stories and it is so fresh and unique, I can't help but squee when we get updates. 

OK, On to the fun part... 

I want to thank Jezebel for giving us a peak inside her mind, and for taking her time out to talk to us. On to the interrogation...

Tell us who Jezebel Whitlock is..

My name is Kristy. I'm seventeen, live in Canada and have a pretty normal life. I'm just finishing up my last few months of high school, rushing to get everything sorted out for University. I love writing stories and reading. I'm going to be studying English in university and one of my hopes is to write my own novel someday. 

What is it about Darksper that appeals to you? Why do you like to write him?

I'm not sure what it is about Darksper that appeals to me because there are so many reasons. I think it's being able to embrace a whole new identity for him. Something different than what happened in the original Twilight Saga. I like writing about him because in the books, you don't really see much of him, except for his own little chapter in Eclipse.
(We all agree, not enough Jasper in the saga)

In Chances, Jasper is very dark. Why did you choose him to write in your story instead of one of the other Twiguys?

I chose to write about Jasper because he is actually one of my favorite
Cullen men. That's not to say I don't like the others but I just adore him. Between his past with Maria and his struggle to maintain the vegetarian diet, it gives Jasper a completely different persona. I thought he would be best in this situation.
(Agreed. Jasper is #1)

Do you have to get yourself into a certain mindset to write a darker
character like Darksper? If so, how do you achieve that?

Truthfully? No. I guess when the words come, I just write them down. I could be in the middle of class and the words and ideas will simply start forming. Sometimes they come quickly, other times it seems like a chore to get the words to come and compose something decent.
(A true dark writer! Think and it comes)

What are some of your favorite Darksper stories that you are currently or have read.

You'll Be Mine by Jasper's naughty girls
Nemesis or Savior by IwantaWerewolfForMyself
I'm sure there's more I just can't think of anymore at the moment
(love both of these fics)

Have any of these Darksper stories help inspire you to write Chances?

It wasn't actually a Darksper story that helped inspire me. It was actually a Bella/Edward story I read a long time ago. I can't remember the name of it but something about the story inspired me to write a Darksper story. 
(well, we thank Darkward for turning you over) 

Do you have any plans for more Darksper stories to come?

At the moment, no. I am overwhelmed by my 4 other stories as well as school to even think about writing another. It takes a lot of energy to write a Darksper story plus, I don't know if I could even come up with a good enough plot to consider writing another one. Who knows? If inspiration hits, there might be another one. 
(We would love to see more, Keep us updated)

What would you say to anyone who is looking into or just starting out in the Dark genre? Any words of wisdom?

Be prepared to come away exhausted. Looking into the mind of a dark character can be scary. Especially when you're just starting out on one. Don't go at it all at once. It's best to take your time. If you're confused over a point in the story, don't be afraid to voice your thoughts on a particular part. I find that when readers need clarification on something, asking the author helps give a better understanding.

Thank you so much for your time Jezebel. We loved getting a peak into your dark side. 

Jezebel Whitlock can be found: 

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