Lilly of the Valley
We want to thank our next wonderful author for joining us today. She shares a little of herself and what makes her love the dark side.
Lilly Monroe is a dark priestess for sure. Her addicts keep you intertwined in their dark and twisted world and there is no escape. She has many fics under her belt that are dark and just hot! Her fic Carousel is just... gah! Jasper is just... there are no words. It was the first fic of Lilly's that I read and was like Holy Hell. Lilly is very twisted and I have had the honor and privileged of helping her with some other dark fics to be posted soon. She is definitely one to watch out for. *grins*
Now for the interview:
Thank you for participating in our "Dark Authors Week". I can honestly say that I am a super hug fan and it is my honor that you accepted my invitation. When this came up you were the first one I thought of "Carousel", your addicts are so addictive. *laughs* You know know how I really feel about them.
Okay enough of the flattery lets get to the dark business....
Tell us a little about you and what makes you tick?
Well currently I’m a full time student who, when I’m not busy with school, devotes most of my time to writing. What makes me tick? God where do I start? Liars, hypocrites and people who play off the weaknesses off others, those probably are at the top of my list.
What draws you to the dark-side of fan fiction? Is it in your nature to gravitate that way even when reading?
It definitely is in my nature to gravitate towards the dark-side of fiction. I absolutely love when an author is able to take any character and make them completely dark, twisted and sometimes even a bit insane. There are so many different aspects to being ‘dark’ that, as an author, I can enter the inner workings of these characters’ minds and get to know what makes them tick and snap. To me, it’s simply fascinating. You could even say I’m obsessed with it.
Who are some of your favorite dark authors and stories? And why?
Oh wow, there are so many! Off the top of my head I can name a few. Dark Whispers by Oriana de la Rose is another favorite that draws me in with every single chapter. Her Jasper and Bella just completely own me! Hands down some of the hottest sex scenes I have ever read! Demons and Sinners by Alsper is I think the only Jasper/Alice story that I have ever fallen in love with. There’s also A Twisted Twilight Tale by IvyLane. It has to be one of the few stories with Edward that I can actually stomach. She makes him so twisted and screwed up in the head that you don’t know whether to slap him or hug him and make him feel all better. There are so many more, but when I think of dark, those stories automatically some to mind!
Your story "Carousel" consist of a hot, dark, addict Jasper. Is there a reason you choose to write Jasper and not Emmett or Edward for this one?
I’ve always had a soft spot of Jasper from the very beginning and, in my mind there is so much to his character than a lot of people think about. If you take what little history that is given about him in the books he is this quiet, reserved man who once led a dark and tumultuous life who will carry around the scars for the rest of his life. That right there got me to thinking that, at some point, it was very liable for him to snap and just lose it. To me Jasper is an addict in so many ways already and I just wanted to play with him, take my own spin on the guy that so many people love and occasionally fear.
Is there reason your stories tend to rotate around all things addictive? For example in Carousel, Jasper and Bella have struggles with their addictions? Was that intended or was it just the flow of the words makes it seem that way?
It was definitely intended from the very beginning. I wanted to take these two characters and twist them to the best of my abilities and make it so the readers didn’t know whether to love or hate them. As to why my stories tend to revolve around things of an addictive nature is because I am a person who has plenty of addictions and knows what it’s like to be in this constant cycle with things that, even when they’re bad for us, we just can’t seem to quit. There is always a little bit of my own story weaved into my characters. Things they do, say and experience often times comes from my own experiences. Right or wrong, sometimes I can only write it the way I’ve lived it. It’s very personal and therapeutic to me writing these addicts. Also, being dark and twisted is fun for me. It’s just in my nature I suppose to go down that route. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.
I know you are currently working on other dark stories, but is it easy to write the darker side of our favorite southern gentleman?
That’s a tough one. On the one hand writing the dark side of Jasper is so easy, but at the same time it can be rather frustrating. He can be a rather fickle character when he wants to be and it’s hard to keep up with the constant changing of emotions. But, that’s Jasper and it’s what I love about his character and always will. Getting the gentleman aspect out of the picture makes for some interesting, sexy and all around mind blowing adventures in my opinion.
What is your inspiration behind your stories? Do they come to you easily?
Well like I said there is a little piece of me that is imbedded in each and every one of my characters to a certain point. So I guess I find inspiration in myself and the things I’ve done or experienced. While inspiration and all these ideas come to me so easily, it’s the actual sitting down and writing part of it all that can be a challenge sometimes. At the same time though almost everything around me inspires me. Things I see in movies or random conversations I have with friends always seem to spark an idea for a scene or sometimes even a whole new story!
Do you have any future plans to write more Darksper? AH or Au?
At the current moment I have no plans on writing any more Darksper, but only because I have too many stories that needed to be written and completed. I think later on I will though. I would love to delve into the vampire world and Jasper and see what comes out of this twisted mind of mine. I can only imagine what dark things he’ll start whispering in my ear. So that will definitely be something I’d love to start writing later on.
Is there any advise you'd give to any one reading this interview who is unsure if they could write a dark story?
I say to absolutely go for it! There are so many aspects of ‘dark’ and the possibilities are endless. I never thought that I would be writing these dark and twisted stories, but I am so glad that I took the risk and started writing them. I think that everyone has a little bit of dark inside of them. To me it’s fun and oddly entertaining to write a dark story. You know never know, it could become you new obsession or addiction.
Feel free to give us any thoughts on the interview. Also if you could tell us where all your stories can be found, I will add them along with anything else you might have going on in the fandom.
I really enjoyed the interview! I haven’t really ever given thoughts to a lot of these things in terms of why I write the way I do and so forth. It gave some insight into my own personal thoughts so thank you for that!
Thanks again to LillyMonroe for letting us in a bit. It was most interesting.
Lilly can be found:
Lilly can be found:
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