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Enter the Dark Side

Saturday, May 1

Another bitchy rant from Izzy...


It was brought to my attention last night that a very dear friend of mine, and a contributor of this blog, was sent a very unnecessary PM in regards to one of her stories last night. I find it sad and unbelievable that some people just can't seem to keep their mouths shut when they don't like how someone writes a story. 

How hard is it, when you don't like a story, to just move the fuck along and not be hurtful. Ones creativity and ideals should not be attacked. I personally think anyone who leaves PM's or reviews that bash or flame others needs to just move their hateful little asses on out of FF. It's not that we can't take your bullshit, it's that it's petty you would waste our times with having to read your shit when you were (95% of the time) warned what the story was about. 

No one should ever have to put up with someone flaming them because they have a difference of opinion. EVER!!!! Fan Fiction authors take time out of their busy lives to give you stories to read and enjoy on your own time. Even if the story, writing, author sucks, there was still time and effort put into posting a story or update and they should not be harassed about where their pen takes them. 

I could go on all day about this. So I am ending this rant here. I left Cullen818 a lengthy reply or two on her blog about how I feel and showed her my support. I'm posting the link in case you want to do the same. 

PLEASE people. Think before you act on your feelings towards a story. Is it really worth hurting others feelings to show your dislike of someones hard work??? Does it make you feel better to bitch about your difference of opinion? It's not, in case you had to ask that question. 

We love and support you Steph. You are amazing and you did nothing wrong. Keep rocking us with your amazing writing and hot Jasper and dark Edward. We love you for it. 


  1. I agree with Izzy. You should NEVER be a coward and take someone's work and shred it and them just beause you don't like it. If you don't like it move the fuck on. Steph is a great writer and we love her. There is nothing wrong with writing... your imagination, your time, your story. If you are stupid enough to get your panties in a wad over a story, you need help. Just saying. The writers in this Fandom stick together. You fuck with one, you fuck with us all. So tread lightly and just be nice. Act like you have manners and there will be no need for this senseless shit!

    Kitten out

  2. Thanks for the support girls! Meeting people like you and forming friendships with such wonderfull women have made this whole FF experience more rewarding than I could ever have imagined! Love you lots!

  3. I know first hand about this crap too. I just posted a new dark fic yesterday on ff.net and I within 3 hours I get two emails with people bitching. Its like then why the hell did you read it ass? I just found your blog. Love darkfic, cant wait to read the stories here.
