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Tuesday, July 5

Content1's cravings

Edward Cullen: Confessions of a Serial Killer

By SoapyMayhem

Summary: Edward Cullen is a hematologist by day and a serial killer by night. Because of the mysterious circumstances surround his childhood abandonment, Edward is raised and adopted by Carlisle Cullen – a former F.B.I. agent and legend in his field. Sensing his dark tendencies at an early age, Carlisle molds Edward into a weapon for justice. Edward believes he is unfeeling and emotionless, so he hides behind the façade of a happy-go-lucky family man. Bella, a recovering alcoholic with a dark past, wants to know the real Edward. Can she ever face the monster within him without being devoured herself? Will a new serial killer in town give Edward the most exciting game of his life?

I was just asked to beta this fic over on Twilighted, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be helping out with this story. First, let me get the warnings out. This story offers some fairly graphic violence, a very dark and disturbed Edward, a manipulative but loving Carlisle, and references to sexual assault/rape, child molestation, and murder. Having said all that, the author offers it in a way that isn’t done to titillate, but to take you to the all out darkness of the world Edward Cullen is living in and describes it in a way that makes you understand what this man is feeling as he purges the world of evil. Imagine Edward as Dexter and you start to see the ingenuity of this story.

We start out meeting Edward as he is eliminating Felix, a child molester, from the world.

Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge; other times it helps me control the chaos. In those times it had always filled a void, and though only temporary, it was filled nonetheless.

Tonight I'm stalking Felix Hart- not my usual victim but definitely a monster, a child rapist.

This type of monster, while vile, is not included in The Code, and is therefore deemed to be punished by law. However, as of late, I've developed a slight weakness for hunting child predators. They are my only exception to The Code.

Rule number one is 'no innocent victims'. I know the rule is meant to only include murderers, but lately I've been interpreting it a bit loosely to include types like Felix. There are several reasons that have led me to loosen my criteria, but the most logical one was a recent study I'd read on the percentage of molested children that turn to crime and in particular- murder. I wanted to prevent that from happening. My kills had to serve a purpose, or they were just plain murder.

Though, monster I myself may be, I would never harm a child. In fact, I find myself to be quite protective and intrigued when I meet other people's children, most likely because of their purity and innocence. If I, a monster of the most horrific type, am thoroughly disgusted by the idea of harming a child, it would prove likely that most 'normal' people wouldn't be opposed to my planned disposal of Felix, and others like him. It was likely that, were I to have approached his victim's parents, I'd even be paid for my services. Money, however, had nothing to do with why I would be killing Felix this evening.

I was hooked to this story, when just before he is to plunge the knife into Felix’s chest, the phone rings.

I turn my attention back to Felix, "Excuse me Felix, I have to take this. Don't worry though, I won't forget about you," I smirk.

"Hello, sweetheart, everything okay?" I ask a bit anxiously.

"Hey, baby. Yeah, everything's fine. I know you're busy, but I was just about to put our daughter to sleep, and then she cried for Daddy to sing her lullaby," she replied wistfully. There was nothing I could deny my beautiful wife and daughter, so I relented.

"Sure, sweetie, I've got time," I looked over at Felix and grinned, a menacing smile. There was a bit of a rustling sound as the phone was passed to my 3 year old little girl.

"Daddy?" a little voice cooed sleepily from the phone.

"Hey, angel, I'm sorry that I'm not there to tuck you in. I miss you," I say sweetly.

"It's okay, Daddy. Momma says you're working real hard, but I just can't sleep until I hear my… " she yawns, and the tiniest little breath escapes her mouth, "lullaby."

"Alright, angel, you get snuggled real tight under the covers and Daddy will sing your lullaby," I whispered.

"I'm ready, Daddy," she responded seriously.

I cleared my throat a bit and crooned the haunting melody of her lullaby.
Dream little one, dream
Dream my little one, dream
Though the hunter in the night
Fills your childish heart with fright
Fear is only a dream
So dream little one, dream

The contrast of the loving father and husband and the emotionless killer is amazing and roped me in immediately.

After the prologue, the story line quickly reverts back in time to where we meet Edward before Bella, begin to see how they become a couple, and just what motivates Edward to do what he does. Isabella, well Isabella has her own set of issues as well and makes her the perfect fit for a man who everyone else finds cold and uncaring.

All the usual characters are involved, and I must say the author is a genius in her use of them. I wanted to howl in pleasure when she allowed Emmett to be in on the deaths that Edward dispenses…in fact, he helps to choose the ones Edward hunts.

If there is anything I do not like about this story, it is that it is only nine chapters into it. SoapyMayhem is finishing up another story right now, but she promises me that she will begin writing again on this one soon.

I SO can’t wait.

Please go over and give her story a read. You can find it on Fan Fiction or Twilighted, although I will say it is one chapter ahead on FanFic.

Please tell her I sent you.

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