Welcome to Darkest Temptations
Home of the Dark side

The Fics found here are dark in nature, so please use caution when browsing for a story. Darkest Temptations does have adult content, so please be aware before entering. If you need help finding the right kind of "dark", just let us know. We will be more than happy to help.

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Enter the Dark Side

Friday, July 29

Today I bring you something from the fandom most know about but maybe don’t understand. That is I’m bringing you all into my world, my secret life, if you will. Writing is one world but my passion, my daily struggle is to bring my writing and the writings of others to the forefront of the Twilight Role Play community. Some say the Twilight fandom in general is a dying fandom. I say its not. And we as authors can keep it from “dying” by expanding our knowledge and creativity.

Role Play is a way, for me especially, to escape the daily routine and stresses I have with work. I am proud to say I am the owner of an amazing RP site. In the two years I have been Rp’ing, I have been on 9 different RP sites. I enjoy it but I didn’t enjoy being held back by and controlled at times and I didn’t want to deal with other peoples drama.

There is so much potential in this fandom, for anything to happen. Just because its a “Twilight” fandom people believe you have to stick with just your cannon characters. I say you don’t. Step outside the box, mix it up.

So finally having enough “limitations” I opened the doors to Twisted Rogues. I wanted a home where everyone could be welcomed. We are all kinds of twisted and we are not “inside the box” people. You have seen my fics, well now I have a place where I can take my original character Marissa and be me, so to speak. So instead of writing fics I am for the most part spending my time writing Story lines for site.

Twisted Rogues has a great group of Elite RP’ers, the elite of elite as I say, and we definitely keep the twitter Time Line jumping. If you are an adventurous person, wanting something to push the envelope of your creativity then this is an avenue to consider. There are days I am stuck. Emmett and Jasper and Bella do not always play nice, so I can get out on one of my accounts, get creative and that that and turn it into a fanfic.

This is what my site has done. We have taken our story line and we are turning what we have done over the last year into fan fics for all to see.

Our stories will be told here::: http://www.fanfiction.net/~twistedrogues (We will also be posting these fics on RogueFanFic and TwiWrite in the next few days.)

Its a way to show you there are other options of characters you can mix up or even like in my case mix an original character with an Original character. I mean who is to say Bella can’t meet a George? Rose meet a Matthew? Its your world you can make it as you see fit.

The limits we give ourselves are just that, limits we set but in reality there is NO limitations. Your imagination can go forever and give yourself and others endless hours of enjoyment.

And thanks to Cullen818 *beams* Our site brought one of her original characters from the Fate, Hope and Love series to life. If you all remember Claudia, she was one of my favorite original characters I had read about about Cullen818 has given Twisted Rogues permission to bring her and her story to life.

Now if you would like to see that unfold as well as more of our original story lines you can visit us at http://twistedrogues.ning.com

Our mission statement::

When the road leads you nowhere, we bring you home....

We are not your typical Twilight RP site. We are set eight years passed
Breaking Dawn, we non-cannon and were designed with you, the role player, in
mind. We want the unknown, outrageous, free spirited Role Players out there.
Our site is home to a variety of RP'ers and to the ones that would say,
they wouldn't want me, you're wrong, we do!

We pride ourselves on being original, unique and drama free. Everyone
deserves a chance to shine. Since we are a one of a kind site we can
help you do that. If you are an Original Character and you have an
interesting, never before see Story Line, whether it be Twilight related
or not, we will help you bring it to life.

As I stated before we are an 18+ site and anyone is welcome to join, even if you are only there to watch the madness unfold. We have been open for 6 months (even though a few of us have been playing together these roles elsewhere, and have been together for over a year) and have 119 members. We are one of the fastest growing RP sites and we have absolutely no drama unless its in an SL. At the moment we have 16 concurrent SL’s running, yeah we like a challenge... they are are all truly original and never before scene. Its an opportunity we couldn't pass up.

Please keep in mind... we have dark themed SL’s, we aren’t called Twisted for no reason, we have lots of Mature content and adult Language. We do not hold back. We are all adults and we live up to that fact. *winks*

We are affiliated with Rogue Fan Fiction. http://roguefanfic.com/ @RogueFanFic. Warden Amy has helped us set up Story Lines for our covens still awaiting players and they are guaranteed to be kick ass.

Come check it out. If you have any questions... find me on twitter @JasperSexKitten @DemisRockStar or any of my admins... ( @NotYourSaint_, @GiaPickedTexas, @BJ_Mattherson )

Your imagination is yours... live by it and work with it.

and on that note..

Kitten Out!!!!

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